#3 The Flaming Meeting! Sous Chef's Serendipity!

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The sun rose with a golden brilliance, casting its warm glow on the Baratie as the ocean waves lapped gently against its hull. Inside, the bustling restaurant was already teeming with life. The aroma of freshly baked bread and simmering sauces wafted through the air, tickling the noses of hungry customers as they eagerly awaited their meals. Laughter and conversation intermingled with the clanging of pots and pans, creating a symphony of joyful noise that filled the room.

In the heart of the chaos, Sanji moved with practiced ease, his feet gliding across the floor as he dodged servers carrying steaming plates. His mind was focused solely on returning to his beloved kitchen, where he could once again work his culinary magic. However, just as he reached for the swinging doors leading to his sanctuary, a firm hand clamped down on his shoulder.

"Sanji," growled Zeff, his eyes narrowed in determination. "I've got a different task for you today."

"Old man," Sanji replied, trying to mask his irritation. "What is it? I need to get back to the kitchen."

"Enough of that for now," Zeff said sternly. "Today, you'll be training Hana on how the restaurant runs. She needs to learn the ropes, and you're the one to teach her."

"Are you serious?" Sanji couldn't believe what he was hearing. He was the sous chef, after all; his place was in the kitchen, not babysitting a new hire.

"Deadly serious," Zeff confirmed, his grip tightening on Sanji's shoulder. "Now quit your whining and do as I say."

Sanji sighed, knowing there was no arguing with Zeff when he was in this mood. As he reluctantly agreed to the task, he couldn't help but wonder who this Hana was and why she had been chosen to disrupt his routine. Little did he know that this seemingly mundane assignment was about to change everything.

"Fine," Sanji grumbled, rolling his eyes as he folded his arms across his chest. He couldn't believe Zeff was forcing him to do this – train some new hire when he should be perfecting his sauces and mastering his knife techniques. "But I'm telling you right now, old geezer, I don't have the patience for this. I'm a cook, not a babysitter."

"Sanji, I swear if you don't quit your complaining, I'll knock some sense into you," Zeff threatened, glaring at his apprentice. "You've been handpicked for this task because of your knowledge and experience in this restaurant. Now, act like the sous chef you are and do your job."

Sanji bit back a retort, knowing that pushing Zeff further would only make matters worse. Instead, he focused on the door, waiting for this Hana to arrive and steal more of his precious time.

Just then, the front door of Baratie swung open, and a young woman entered with an air of grace that seemed to make the world slow down around her. She had dark, flowing hair that framed her delicate features, and her eyes sparkled like jewels under the warm glow of the overhead lights. All conversation within the restaurant seemed to hush as the cooks and customers alike turned their attention to the captivating newcomer.

"Is that her?" Sanji found himself asking, his previous annoyance momentarily forgotten.

"Yep, that's Hana," Zeff confirmed, a hint of amusement in his eyes as he observed Sanji's reaction. "Now, go on, introduce yourself and start the training."

As Hana approached, Sanji tried to regain his composure, smoothing out his apron and running a hand through his blond hair. His irritation at being pulled away from the kitchen had suddenly vanished, replaced by a strange mixture of intrigue and admiration. He had never seen someone so enchanting, and he was suddenly eager to fulfill his duties as her mentor.

"Get yourself together, Sanji," he muttered under his breath, preparing himself for the task ahead. "You can do this."

Hana glided gracefully across the restaurant floor, her every step seeming to float above the polished wood. As she reached the host stand, she offered Sanji the most radiant smile he'd ever seen, and he couldn't help but be captivated by it.

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