#19 Beneath the Surface! The Covert Conspiracy Revealed!

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Hana paced through the bustling marketplace, her eyes darting from one face to another in search of Sanji. The camera she clutched in her hand felt like an anchor, weighing her down with the responsibility of finding him while simultaneously trying to scope out the stage for the upcoming cooking competition.

"Where on earth could he be?!" Hana muttered to herself as she turned a corner, only to bump into a towering stack of cabbages. The vendor shot her a disapproving glare, but Hana was too preoccupied with her mission to care.

"Sorry," she mumbled half-heartedly, snapping a quick photo of the impressive stage setup before continuing her search. Her heart hammered in her chest, and she couldn't help but feel that this frantic chase was symbolic of her internal struggle. She needed to find Sanji, not only for the sake of the competition but also to finally reveal her true feelings for him.

"Sanji, why do you have to be so difficult?!" she grumbled. And yet, despite it all, she couldn't deny the way her heart seemed to flutter whenever he was around. It was infuriating, really.

As she hurried towards the stage, her thoughts were torn between her task and memories of Sanji. She couldn't help but smile at the thought of his silly grin and unapologetic expressions of love for her. "I've never felt this way about anyone before," she reflected, struggling to push away thoughts of her past failed relationships. Her conflicting emotions left her feeling both exhilarated and uncertain about what the future held with Sanji.

As she made her way closer to the outdoor stage, Hana caught sight of two men huddled together by the corner: Beaurigard L'Epicier and Gaston Lambode. With their backs turned towards her, they didn't seem to notice her presence. Their voices were low and hushed, but her curiosity was piqued, and she couldn't help but strain her ears to catch snippets of their conversation.

"Really, L'Epicier," Gaston smirked, his voice dripping with condescension. "I never thought you'd stoop so low as to take on such an... unsavory assignment."

"Everyone has their price, Lambode," Beaurigard replied, a hint of smugness in his tone. "Besides, who am I to question your business decisions?"

Intrigued by the secrecy of their discussion, Hana decided to inch closer, careful not to make any sound that might alert them to her presence. She couldn't shake the feeling that something important was happening right before her eyes – something that might have dire consequences if left undiscovered.

"Really, Beaurigard, it was quite simple. I knew you'd be the perfect man for the job," Lambode said smugly, his voice dripping with arrogance.

"Of course, Monsieur Gaston," L'Epicier replied, his tone servile but tinged with pride. "I am always happy to oblige someone of your... influence."

Hana's heart raced as she hugged the cool wall behind her, trying to make herself invisible in the shadows. The mixture of anger and relief churned within her like a stormy sea. She should've known something was amiss, especially after the success of the live demonstration.

"Sanji did not deserve this," Hana muttered under her breath, clenching her fists tighter.

She strained to hear more of Lambode and L'Epicier's conversation, her anger rising with each word that dripped from their deceitful lips.

Gaston continued smugly, "With Baratie out of the picture, my own restaurant will flourish."

"Of course," L'Epicier said, finally relaxing.

Hana's determination to expose their scheme solidified like ice in her veins. She thought about Sanji, his talent and dedication to Baratie, and how he had been unfairly blamed for the malicious lies spun by these two men. She could feel her cheeks flush with indignation, and her heartbeat quickened its tempo.

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