#20 Melody of Affection! Hana's Confession!

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Sanji sat alone in his dimly lit room, staring at the ceiling above him. His mind was a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions, plagued by recent doubts and insecurities about his abilities as a chef. He couldn't shake the nagging feeling that he had let everyone down, especially Hana. As his mind drifted to her, he could almost see her warm smile, the way she always managed to fill any room with laughter and energy. But it only served to remind him of the tears that had stained her cheeks just hours ago.

It was like a knife to his heart, remembering the sight of Hana crying. It was one of the worst things he'd ever seen, and it made him feel even worse about himself. He replayed their last conversation in his head, hearing her voice crack under the weight of her emotions. He could still see the hurt in her eyes, the disappointment that had been etched into her beautiful face. And it hit him like a ton of bricks – he had hurt Hana again, and it tore him apart inside.

"Damn it, Sanji," he muttered under his breath, frustration seeping through his clenched teeth. "How could you be so stupid?"

He buried his face in his hands, trying to block out the image of Hana's tear-streaked face. The guilt weighed heavily on him, like an anchor dragging him further into a sea of self-loathing. He wished he could go back in time and do everything differently, to be there for her when she needed him most.

As Sanji wallowed in his regrets and insecurity, the memory of Hana's laughter echoed in his ears, reminding him of the warmth and happiness she brought into his life. He felt a pang in his chest, an ache for the connection they once shared before everything had gone awry. It fueled a growing determination within him – he would do whatever it took to make things right, not just for the sake of Baratie but for Hana as well.

Sanji's mind drifted back to a sweeter memory - the day Hana had shown him the painting she made of them. It was a beautiful piece, capturing their laughter and playful banter within each brushstroke. They had stood so close together that day, their eyes locked, their breaths mingling in the warm air. He could still feel the heat radiating off her body, the way her scent enveloped him like a warm embrace.

"Sanji," Hana had breathed, her voice low and sultry as she leaned in closer. Their lips had been mere inches apart, the anticipation of a passionate kiss sending shivers down his spine. But their moment had been interrupted, leaving him with a yearning that remained unfulfilled.

"Ah, that damn timing," he mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck as the memory faded, replaced by the determination that now coursed through his veins. He knew what he had to do - he needed to get his act together, not just for Baratie, but for Hana. He would make it right no matter what it took, even if it meant swallowing his pride and working alongside his coworkers.

"Alright, Sanji," he reaffirmed, clenching his fists with newfound resolve. "You've messed up. But you have a chance to fix this."

He glanced around his room, taking in the scattered cookbooks and disarray that mirrored the chaos in his heart. It was time to clean up, both literally and metaphorically. As he started tidying his space, he replayed Hana's laughter and the almost-kiss in his mind, using those memories as fuel for his determination.

"First things first," he thought, tossing a pile of dirty laundry into a hamper. "I'll apologize to Hana, then I'll show everyone what kind of chef I really am."

With every item he put away and every piece of trash he disposed of, Sanji felt the weight of his insecurities and doubts lifting. By the time his room was spotless, he stood tall, filled with a sense of purpose that had been missing for far too long.

"Okay," he said aloud, taking a deep breath as he prepared to leave his room. "It's time to face the music and make things right - for Baratie and for Hana."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24 ⏰

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