Chapter One

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Winnie Melbourne

My brothers sat in front of me, grim expressions on their face. They sat or stood in varying positions around the office in complete silence as they digested everything I just told them.

Finally, Deon breaks the silence. "The Shadows ignored you?", he questions and I nod. "That's impossible. The Shadows would never ignore you, let alone us. I didn't even feel your call."

"I know.", I sigh. "But they did. I couldn't even reach you guys. You were there, I felt you, but you were just out of reach."

"So this Amos guy can block your powers?", Myles inquires, his forehead creasing in confusion.

I shake my head. "The Shadows are not just my powers, Myles. My Shadows are a part of me, ingrained into my soul. Amos was able to block me from myself and my Dark Goddess powers weren't answering either. Amos had the power to kill me."

"Who is he anyways?", Sylas asks.

"I don't know, but I found out from Mother Selene about him. According to her, a man named Amos will be my downfall. She couldn't tell me much more, bound by ancient laws that prevent her from revealing too much information."

"But what about Genevieve?", Sylos points out. "She's after you too."

I growl at the mention of the witch after me. "I don't know either. Nobody has seen or heard of her in quite some time. But Amos and Genevieve are not my biggest problems right now. The Flat Packs are rebelling under my rule. Only one isn't, and it's my former mate."

"Is it about the changes you've made?"

"Yes. They claim I'm destroying the Mountain when all I'm trying to do is usher in a new era."

Jacques scoffs. "The Mountain has nothing to do with them. They're called the Flat Packs for a reason. If they live on the Mountain, I would understand their rebellion. But they're down there and what they say about the Mountain doesn't matter. You might need to contact their Prime Alpha."

I roll my eyes. "I have no clue who their Prime Alpha is. According to centuries worth of data and files, their Prime Alpha stays hidden and his second or third spread his word. Nobody knows what this wolf looks like or his name."

"I can figure it out. We all can. We're the Shadows, your Shadows. We can use the darkness to figure his name out and who exactly he is. It won't be easy, but we can do it.", Kieron announces as his younger brothers nod their heads in agreement.

"Okay. If you think you can do it, then you're welcome to try. Stay safe, please."

"We will. We love you. We'll report back soon.", Westley says as he kisses my cheek.

"I love you guys too. Thank you.", I say as they melt into the dark corners of my office, disappearing completely.

Sinking further into my chair, I press two fingers on each hand to my temples and rub them. My head throbbed with a migraine and I sighed heavily, grunting slightly. Things were not going to plan and I don't understand why.

When Titus was Prime Alpha, the Mountain Packs were slowly murdering each other. It was constantly about power. Now that I'm Prime Alpha, the Mountain lives in peace. Mostly. Every now and then there's a dispute, but at least we're flourishing and not dwindling. The Flat Packs can't see that though, or at least they won't see it. They're terrified of my cruel ways and how I rule with an iron fist, how I take no prisoners. Prisoners are a liability.

I don't understand them. What I do on the Mountain has nothing to do with them. They have their own Prime Alpha who decides what happens down there. I'm not that person.

With a growl, I stand and pace my office. My mind jumps from Amos to the Flat Packs, and finally to the mate who doesn't even know I'm his mate.

Alpha Aslin of Orange Mountain.

The male is dangerous, extremely unpredictable, and can fly off the handle at any given moment. But I need him, I know that. I need all of my mates, whether they like it or not. Once all is said and done, they can reject me if they still see fit.

I snarl as I pick up the phone and punch a few numbers in. It rings, before a voice answers.

"Alpha Aslin of Orange Mountain. State your name, pack, and reason for calling."

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