Chapter Four

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Winnie Melbourne

I place the dagger on my desk and collapse onto my chair, wiping at my bloody nose with a tissue. Ezra sits across from me with concern marring his handsome features. "What happened, Winnie? Talk to me. Please.", he begs.

"I went for a swim at Windmere Waterfall. I was doing my usual thing, swimming to the bottom when I noticed the dagger. I grabbed it and I was looking at it when I pushed this button here.", I said, pressing the button and holding it as the dagger extends and the second blade appears. "I dropped it and when I picked it back up, I had a vision."

Ezra reaches out a hand to touch the dagger, but I yank it back with a snarl. "Don't touch it!"

He yanks his hand away from me and nods. "Okay, I won't touch it. What was in the vision?"

"Blood. It was everywhere. Amos was in front of me, mocking me. Something about the Dark Goddess dying, about me. I laughed at him and said the Dark Goddess wasn't even there but now she was. I killed him. With this dagger.", I explain.

"So the dagger is important. It'll help solidify our win against Amos whenever we figure out who exactly this guy is."

I nod. "Yes. But the visions. They're not normal. Mene and Selene said I wouldn't have visions but I am."

My mate shrugs his shoulders. "Maybe it's because you are not only the Goddess of Darkness, but also the Goddess of Light. You are two different Goddesses in one body, thus making you stronger than the normal Goddess."

"It's a possibility but with every-", I start but I'm cut off as the lights in my office go out with hisses.

My brothers burst from the Shadows, books flying off the shelves and papers flying into the air. "Prime Alpha Grant Davis!", Sylas yells. "His name is Grant Davis! He lives in Ichor County, South of Blue Moon!"

I hear screams just through the darkness and I stand, snarling. "What's going on Sylas?!"

"It's the Prime Alpha! He's not a Werewolf! He's the Lycan God!"

I reach for my brother and grab his hand, looking into his dark eyes. "Take me to him. Now!"

Sylas nods and Ezra yells for me. "Winnie, no!"

It's too late as Sylas yanks me to him, pulling me through the Shadows. The darkness greets me with excited whispers as I float through it, following my brother as he pulls me with him. It's only a couple seconds before we're bursting into a dark room. My eyes pick out a large male, the size of Bronze, picking up one of my brothers and throwing him against the wall.

I growl as my brother doesn't move from his fallen position. The male's eyes move to mine and I snarl, releasing my dominance and letting him know who I am.

"So the Prime Alpha of the Mountain has found me.", he muses in a deep voice. "Next time you wish to talk, don't send your Shadow Brothers after me, Dark Goddess."

"I didn't know who you were, Lycan God. Maybe you shouldn't hide in my shadows."

He tilts his head, assessing me before chuckling. "You are right. That was a bad move on my part."

I assess him, my wolf telling me he is no threat to me. "Brothers, you may go. I will handle it from here."

Sylas opens his mouth to argue but the look on his face tells him I am in no mood for his antics. He lifts Deon, wrapping an arm around his waist before melting into the Shadows. The rest of my brothers disappear one at a time before the Prime Alpha of the Flat Packs and myself are all that's left. The lights come back in and illuminate an office much like my own.

"We have much to discuss, Prime Alpha Winnie.", he says. "Let's get started with the Amos guy."

Crossing my arms over my chest, I reel in my dominance. "What do you know about him?", I ask.

Prime Alpha Grant picks up some books and places them back on their shelves. "He's powerful, obviously. I understand that he has forced you into his world and threatened you. I only know because he has done the same to me."

My eyebrows rise in surprise. "So I'm not the only one he's going after?"

"No.", Prime Alpha Grant says as he shakes his head. "He told me that he's the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. He's the one I trust the most yet the one I hate."

"He said the same thing to me.", I say as I pick up some papers and hand them to him. "So that must mean we have a mutual party somewhere between us. I don't exactly see how though. I don't have anything to do with the Flat Packs and I know you don't mess around with the Mountain."

"You're right, I don't. But you do have a connection to the Flat Packs through Alpha Grayson Deering. Your mate."

"Ex-mate.", I correct. "He rejected me and I accepted the rejection. We cut ties, therefore my only connection to the Flat Packs has been broken."

Prime Alpha Grant hands me a piece of paper. "Look at these. I've ran the numbers and had my Beta snooping through the different packs. All the other Flat Packs have risen in numbers, but only by twenty in the past year or so, which is usual. But Fang Howlers Pack is different.", he says, pointing at a row filled with numbers. "Their numbers have grown exponentially. Compared to last year, I would put it around seventy to eighty wolves. That's highly unusual."

"You think my ex-mate is Amos?"

"No, I don't think so. What I do think is that he knows who Amos is. I would highly recommend bringing him in for questioning but I want you to make that call."

I purse my lips together as I look at the numbers. I sigh and hand the paper back over, our fingers brushing.

"I don't know who Amos is! I swear on the Goddesses, Winnie! I don't know!", Alpha Grayson screams, sobbing uncontrollably as Prime Alpha Grant breaks another finger.

"Then explain your numbers! Why has your pack grown so quickly?!", I snarl.

"Rogues!", he gasps. "They keep showing up at my border so I bring them into my pack!"

Prime Alpha Grant looks to me and I nod. He steps back and sighs, wiping his hands on his pants. "He's telling the truth.", I say to him before turning towards Alpha Grayson. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry but we had to make sure. You have to understand.", I whine as I undo the chains and help the broken Alpha to his feet.

Alpha Grayson nods weakly. "I understand, Winnie. I don't hold it against you and I don't blame you. Amos must be more powerful than you to be able to strike such fear and make you worry so much. But I don't blame you, my dark mate. I never will."

I whine again and press my hands to his head, closing my eyes and focusing on the Light Goddess part of me. His wounds disappear and he stands up straighter, his eyes turning brighter as I heal him.

"Thank you. I will help you find Amos. I swear on my life.", he says before pressing a small kiss to my forehead.

I gasp and clutch the sleeve of my shirt to my nose. "He has nothing to do with it. There's been an influx of rogues coming out of hiding and going to his borders, looking for a pack. They can feel that something terrible is going to happen."

Prime Alpha Grant looks at me with furrowed eyebrows, watching me with concern. "What just happened? Your eyes went completely black and you just stood there. How do you know Alpha Grayson has nothing to do with it?"

"Ever since Amos pulled me into whatever the hell it was, I've been having visions. It's like him doing that triggered a part of me. When I touch certain objects, people, or hear and see something, I see visions of the outcome. But I still think we should see Alpha Grayson. It's time for me to have all my mates at my side."

He grins and nods his head. "Well at least I'm not the only who has visions because of Amos. Let's go see your mate and then get to the Mountain. Your mates are very worried about you."

I smile slightly, feeling at ease with my fellow Prime Alpha. He's like a brother I never had the chance to have. Gripping his arm, my smile grows into a grin at his confused expression. "Have you ever traveled through the Shadows? If not, you're about to.", I say before yanking him into the darkness, laughing at his scream of surprise.

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