Chapter Three

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"Who's Amos?", Alpha Aslin asks, staring at Winnie so retreating backside.

Ezra looks over at me and motions for me to talk to him. I shake my head and mouth the word no at him but he just smirks and jogs after Winnie, putting an arm around her shoulder and pressing a kiss to her temple. I sigh as the Alpha of Orange Mountain turns to me.

"We're not too sure who exactly he is but we know he's powerful, maybe even more powerful than Winnie and she's the Mother Goddess of not just darkness, but of the light too. His powers rival Winnie's and when Mene was Goddess, she told Winnie that he is far more powerful than she will ever be. Something about him having existed since the beginning of time. He's out to kill Winnie and the only clue he's given us has been a riddle. 'I am the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I am the one you trust the most, yet the one you hate the most.' That's what he told her."

Aslin shakes his head. "This guy has gotten near Winnie? You let him near Winnie?!", he snarls.

I growl at him. "Not by choice. He pulled her wherever he was or forced her to see a vision of him, I don't know. What I do know is since then, Winnie's been... different. More closed off and now she has a new power she should have never been able to have."

"What do you mean?"

"Winnie's never had visions before. Never. Selene and Mene have never had visions like that and they said she wouldn't either. Whatever Amos did to force her to see him and be with him like that, changed her. She's not the same Winnie I know. She's something - how do I put this - darker. She's always been our Light and Dark Goddess, but they've never actually came forward fully. But I have a feeling we'll be seeing the Dark Goddess in the flesh and blood soon. Real soon."

There's a moment of silence as Aslin soaks up the information given to him. "So Winnie is changing, and possibly not for the better."

"Correct.", I say, agreeing with his conclusions.

"Is there anything I can do to help?", Aslin asks.

I shake my head at him. "No, I don't think so. Ezra and I have tried everything, including using the matebond to help her, but it didn't work."

Aslin scratches the back of his neck. "About that, the bond I mean. Do you have a bond with Ezra?"

I laugh and shake my head. "No.", I answer before turning solemn. "Ezra and I don't share a bond in that sense, just like we don't share a bond in that sense."

"What do you mean?", Aslin asks.

"My mother had three mates, Aslin. She birthed one son with each male. Two of them rejected her, taking their sons with them. My father stayed with her."

"What does that have to do with anything?"

"Ezra is my half brother. And so are you, Aslin. Neither of you know it, but Winnie does. She can prove it with a gift she has, one she has always had. Each of her mates have gifts too. What's yours?", I ask, changing the subject.

"I can bring the dead back to life. I'm a necromancer, Bronze. I can bring her other two mates back to life also. Not only that, but I can tell which wolves are reincarnations of their past selves. You are Hyperion. Ezra is a previous Native American shapeshifter, his main base form a wolf. And me, well I'd rather not tell you.", Aslin says.

I sit up, my attention focused on him. "Tell me. Please. I'm curious now."

Aslin scratches the back of his head and cringes slightly. "I was Wylin, a bounty hunter. And in my past life, I killed Ezra for my little girl. If he finds out he's a reincarnation, he'll remember everything. That includes me killing him."

Shit just got fucked up big time. 

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