Chapter Nine

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Winnie Melbourne

I step out of the darkness, striding smoothly from the corner of Grayson's office. Grant stands on one side of the room as Grayson stands on the opposite side, eyeing the Prime Alpha with wariness. "Relax.", I mutter as I collapse onto a padded office chair. "I need to think and you guys staring at each other like that are not going to help."

Grayson immediately relaxes, my voice and the matebond soothing him. Grant chuckles and shakes his head at my mate's reaction before sitting on a loveseat situated in the corner of the room. "So what's going on with the witch you captured?"

"She's being dealt with as we speak but she did give me some information before I let my brothers handle her. She said Genevieve is on the Mountain but she doesn't know where exactly.", I say.

"So we'll have to go to the Mountain and search for her.", Grayson sighs.

I nod my head, agreeing with him. "Eventually. First, I wanna make sure your pack is clear of anymore witches and then we need to find a suitable replacement for Alpha."

"Why?", Grayson asks, narrowing his eyes at me.

"I've marked you.", I answer. "That means you are now a part of my pack. I am of the Mountain and I am of higher status than you. I can not abandon the Mountain. Every wolf looks to me to protect them, especially right now."

Grayson doesn't answer me but he nods his head in acceptance, knowing he either comes with me willingly or I force him. Grant sighs and runs a hand over his face. "Alright. So here's what we can do. You and I can search for anymore witches.", he says, addressing me before turning towards me mate. "You can search for an Alpha for this pack. If there's nobody suitable for the position here, I have someone who is."

"If it's your brother, it's not happening. That arrogant pig will run this pack right into the ground.", Grayson remarks, his face scrunched up in disgust.

"Not my brother. My sister, Cadence. She's showing signs of being a dominant Alpha. If her wolf does come forward as an Alpha, she will need a pack to lead.", Grant explains.

Grayson nods his head in accpetance. "Cadence will be the best decision if I can not find one, which I doubt I will. There was a fucking witch in my pack and not a single one of my pack members realized it.", he mutters.

My mate's sudden tone shift piques my wolf's interest and she sits up, eyes on our mate. I sit up straighter and take note of the slight downwards tilt of his mouth and the small crease between his eyebrows. He's upset, I can obviously see that. "Relax, Grayson. If you do not wish for any of your pack members to take your place as Alpha, that is fine. They failed you today. You took an oath to protect them to your dying breath but they took the same oath to lay down their life for yours. The pack failed you today. It is time to move on."

His shoulders drop slightly as he takes in my words. "Princess Cadence will take my role as Alpha. My pack is not to be trusted to lead one another, not after today."

Grant crosses the room and claps Grayson on the back, smiling slightly. "Good choice, Alpha. I will ensure that Cadence takes great care of your pack."

"Thank you, Prime Alpha.", Grayson says, lowering his head slightly.

I grin and stand, clapping my hands once to gain their attention. "Now that we figured that out, let's make sure there are no more witches here. Once that's done, Grayson and I will head back to Windmere Mountain. Grant, I would warn the rest of the Flat Packs and have them prepare and solidify their borders just in case Genevieve is planning something else."

"I will, don't worry about that. Once you find Genevieve, the Flat Packs will stand behind you. If they don't, they'll have to deal with the wrath of their Prime Alpha. I think it's about time I show my face to them."

"Give them hell, Prime Alpha Grant."

"Show Genevieve who her Queen truly is, Goddess."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04 ⏰

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