Down by the river

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She thought she heard a knock on the door. Alex removed her headphones and listened.

The knock repeated three times, she saved her work and went over to answer it. 

"Hullo yoooouuu!" Rob bounded into the room, swept her up in his arms and spun her round. They both tumbled down onto the bed and lay there laughing.

"Nice to see you too," she giggled breathlessly.
He propped himself up on an elbow and said, "What's happening?"

"Absolutely nothing, but I'm sure we can change that." She laughed.

"You must be going out of your mind without me?"

"You have no idea." She replied. Rob noted the subtle note of bitterness in her voice, though she was still smiling. 

"Wanna go for a walk?" 

"I would love to."

They walked out into the bright sunshine and made a stop at a sandwich shop to pick up lunch for later, then headed toward the farm track. 

It was hot and dusty as combine harvesters rolled up and down the fields, reaping the summer harvest. 

"Perfect day for a swim," sighed Rob contently.

"I didn't bring a costume!" she tutted.

"Let's get naked!" Sang rob joyfully, waving his arms in the air. She gave him a disapproving look but fell into step beside him as they turned for the river.

Alex and Rob chatted about life in the city as they walked. 

"I do miss it here sometimes. It's so peaceful." He mumbled dreamily, looking up at the sunlight streaming through the trees as they entered the woodland in the valley.

"Think you'd ever come back?" She asked hopefully.

"God, no! It's nice to visit, but I love being able to walk out my door and everything is just there. Every day is just so different in the city, and there's so many hot guys."

A bittersweet smile crossed Alex's face and she picked up another stick to add to the growing bundle in her arms. She remembered that feeling. She loved the freedom she first felt when she lived in the city and she missed the excitement of discovering new places, interesting shops, culture, music, noise. The spell wore off eventually, even before that night at the club, she had already started to feel boxed in and the constant noise of people and traffic began to grate on her, but she couldn't see Rob ever tiring of it. 

They crunched their way down the rocky track through a narrow gorge and arrived at the bank of the river, a spot that was a poorly kept secret among the residents. The river cascaded down a series of rocky waterfalls fringed with moss and bracken, into a large pool. A rope swing hung from one of the beech trees over the pool and some logs had been dragged to the sandy bank around a well-used fire pit.  Alex deposited her bundle of firewood next to the rocky pit and began to pick out the dryest pieces of kindling, while Rob rummaged around his backpack for a lighter and some scrap paper to use as firestarters. Alex tended the fire while Rob stripped off and gingerly picked his way down the bank to the stream. He hooted with shock as the cold water splashed across his bare legs. Alex laughed when he complained noisily as his hips were finally submerged.

"It's not so bad once you get used to it! Are you coming in or do I have to drag you?"he called.

Alex rolled her eyes and laid some larger sticks over the exuberantly crackling flames. "I'll be there in a second."

When she was sure the larger logs were catching fire she stripped off down to her underwear and hung her dress and socks from a nearby birch tree. She tiptoed into the pool and gasped at the freezing cold water.

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