i already hate you

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Abbys POV: i was walking along the sidewalk alone when i heard someone talk to me.                Marcus: "Sup." I looked at him confused thinking if he was talking to me and i replied: "Hi?" He then asked me: What's your name? *Abby rolls her eyes* Abby: "im abigail, but call me abby." i said looking anoyingly at him. Marcus: "Abby, that's cute. What are you doing out here by yourself at night?" Abby: "first of all: dont call me cute or my name and second: why do you care?" *i asked annoyed* Marcus: "Sorry I just trying to be friendly, geez. Don't gotta be a b*tch about it" Abby: "well maybe i dont like you." *whispers: asshole* he must of heard cause he laughed. Marcus: "Well the feeling is mutual then, maybe i don't like you either" Abby: "okay bye then." *starts to walk away from him*

*Marcus stops her* Marcus: Hey wait, I don't like you but that doesn't mean I don't like your outfit. Cute skirt. Abby: i hate this skirt. byee. Marcus: Your too much, wait I have something for you Abby: more stupid things? No thanks. Marcus: No i got you something you might not hate. *He reach into his bag and pulls out a piece of paper* Abby: a paper? *looks at him* really? Marcus: It's a sketch I did! I thought you might like it. I saw you and just wanted to draw it out. Let me show you *He takes the piece of paper and holds in front of me and he thinks it's a really good sketch of me in front of a skateboard, with my black hat and skirt, all together it looks pretty good* Abby: its cool.... a little bit *tries to hide her smile and succeds* *he stare at me* Marcus: You are a tough egg to crack, but seriously I can't even lie. You are gorgeous, even when you try to act like a b*tch. Don't think I didn't see that faint smile. *he grins and takes a hit of the joint* Abby: Ugh. Marcus: What's the matter, afraid of a little flirting? *i look at him* Abby: afraid, no you just disgust me *looks at him dead in the eyes* *he chuckles and takes another hit of the joint* Marcus: I disgust you huh, I'll make you like me. What's your plan tonight? It's late, why aren't you at a party or something?

Abby: cause i dont like parties. Marcus: What's wrong? Social events and people scare you? That's kind of odd *he chuckles* Abby: no, i just dont like it.... you have a problem? Marcus: No, but you know you should try to be a more social person. *he smiles at me* People are generally nice and if you don't try anything new, then you'll never know. There's always gonna be something for everyone at a party and by the look of you I feel like you'd be a blast at a party. Who know you might make some new friends. You shouldn't be alone out here in the dark with no people to be with you. It's dangerous. *he looks at me and i want to kill him* Abby: ill do whatever i want.. Marcus: Well can I join you? *marcus grins* Abby: no. Marcus: Why not? I thought a social awkward girl like you would like some company. Plus it'll let you open up and let loose a little. *he grins and walks towards me a step* Abby: *walks away and flips him off* Marcus: *he runs up to me and grabs my hand* Hey, I'm not sure why you hate me but you really shouldn't be angry of me giving you advice. I was just looking out for you. You should listen to me and go to a party or something. Maybe you'll have fun and make new friends. But you won't ever know if you just hide inside and act all weird to the people trying to help you you know, maybe let your guard down a little *he smiles and chuckles at me* Abby: no thanks. id rather d!e. Marcus: Why you like this? You know I'm trying to help you! Abby: i dont want your help, i dont even know you and youre helping me when i dont need your help?! Marcus: No you absolutely need my help. Just look at yourself, you look miserable and alone. All I want to do is help you be happy. Why are you such a bitch to me? Abby: maybe because youre a d!ck. *Abby walks away* 

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