Second day of ignoring him

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*tomorrow morning*

Marcus POV: *i wake up and i check for a message from abby* *i grab my phone and i check for abbys message then i put my phone down with no message from abby* Marcus: "well, alright then..." *i yawn and look at my window looking tired*

Abby POV: *abby gets ready to school when she sees a text from preston: goodmorning beauty* *she laughs and replies: goodmorning P, ill see you at school ;)* *she goes to school*

Marcus POV: *i quickly text abby* good morning abbby, hope you have a great day! i'll see you at school! *i put my phone back down and continue to lay down, expecting you to text me back soon*

Abby POV: *she gets to school and sees preston* "Hi!" i start to walk to him when i heard an annoying voice Marcus: *i walk up to you smiling* "hi abby, how are you?" *i grab your hand and kiss you cheek* "i missed you so much babe." Abby: "what the actual fuck do you want?" *she goes away from him and goes to preston* Preston: "what was that all about?" Abby: "He thinks were "fine" and he called me babe after he kissed my cheek" Preston: "asshole" *preston looks at marcus* Abby: "calm down now preston" *preston looks at abby and kisses her cheek* Abby: lets go to class..."

Marcus POV: *i look upset as you walk away* *i hold my tears back and wipe them away* "i'm sorry... i messed up again." *a small tear falls on my cheek* *i get a text from you and i immediately check my phone* the text: do that one more time and ill k!ll you, understand? thanks, abby </3 *i text you back* abby... *i take a deep breath* i'm sorry... i truly am sorry. *i put my phone back down on my class table and wipe my eyes. i look upset as i put a hand on my cheek and hold my tears back*

Abby POV: *rolls her eyes and ignores his text* *Marcus text her again* "please forgive me abby... I'm so sorry..." *goes to block him* Preston: "dont do that..." Abby: "why not, he is just gonna try to talk to me at school" Preston: "but if you do block him, he is gonna try to talk to you at school and outside of school even more which one you want?" Abby: "youre right...." *after class* Abby: "What class do you have now?" Preston: "AP English, what do you have?" Abby: "i have AP math" *rolls her eyes* Preston: "what class do you have after?" Abby: "Psychic" Preston: "then ill see you at psychic" Abby: "okay..." *they kiss on the lips*

Marcus POV: *i walk up to you as i see you two kissing* uhm... *i cough loudly* uhm... hey, i need to talk to you abby. *i look embarrassed as i stare at the ground* *abby pulls away and looks at marcus* Abby to Preston: ill see you after class *preston leaves* Abby to Marcus: the fuck you want? Marcus: "i... uhm... i uh..." *i look at you sad* "look abby, i'm so sorry about me being a clingy annoying stupid idiot." *i look at you upset* "please i'm so sorry... you are amazing, your beautiful, you are just so perfect and I..." *i pause as my eyes swell up with tears* "i just don't want to lose you..." Abby: "okay... that all?" Marcus: "no... no abby i'm such a dumbass, i'm so sorry. *i cry a little* "please, don't hate me, you and me, we are meant to be together, you know that right? i love you abby, i love you from the bottom of my heart." *i cry again and i put a hand over my heart* "you are my everything." *i look at you crying* Abby: " and i have to go, i have Math to attend to" *Abby leaves to go to class* Marcus: "abby..." *i start crying as i watch you leave* Marcus: "please don't go... don't hate me..." *i put my head on my shoulders and bury my head with my hands* Marcus: "i'm so dumb." *i cry and wait for your text reply* 

Abby POV: *goes to class and ignores his text* Abby: "hey matt..." Matt: "you look upset whats wrong baby?" Abby: "nothing... just marcus" Matt: "how about this, we go on a date tonight and forget about him?" Abby: "that sounds like a great idea matt.." *after school if over* Abby: "thank god...." *she starts to go out of the door* *Marcus walks up to her and grabs her hand* Marcus: "abby, wait." *he holds her hand so that she doesn't walk away* Marcus: "please don't hate me, don't ignore me.." *grabs her hand and walks away without saying a word to him* *Marcus cries more as he tries to hang on to abbys hand while she walked away* Marcus: "abby, i'm sorry... i shouldn't have..." *he lets go of her hand and he looks down and lays his head on his shoulder again* Marcus: "i messed everything up again..." *he cries more* Abby: "leave me alone" *Abby tries to let go* preston: "hey! dude you got a problem?"

Marcus POV: *i quickly wipe away my tears and looks at preston* Marcus: "no no no no, i don't wanna fight with you or anything." *i put my hands up* Marcus: "i know im getting in your way and i completely understand if you want me to leave." *i look at abby and i bite my lower lip*

Preston POV: i felt Abby walking away so i ran after her and grabbed her hand gently preston: "abby..." *Abby turns to him* preston: "oh my sweet girl... come here" *preston hugs abby and abby cries in his chest* *preston whispers in her ear* preston: "its okay, its okay my beautiful, sweet girl its all gonna be okay... i wont let him get to you anymore.." Abby: "thank you press...." *abby looks at preston and then his lips* *she leans in closer to him and their lips touched* 

Abby POV: i started to wrap my arms around his neck while we were making out until we were rudely interrupted Ginny: "no need to make out in the hallway" *Abby looks at her* Abby: "why dont you mind your own business you stupid bitch" Ginny: "excuse me?" Abby: "youre excused but it wouldnt kill you to go away would it?" Ginny: "Ugh!" *ginny leaves and abby looks at preston* Preston: "damn.. that was hot." *Abby smiles at him* Abby: "thank you" *kisses him again* *Abby pulls away* Abby: "mm...." Preston: "what?" *Abby shakes her head* Abby: "nothing..." Preston: "you sure?" Abby: "im sure" Preston: "okay..." *abby kisses him again* Abby: "i love you..." Preston: "i love you too.."

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