the hell is wrong with him?

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Abby POV: *screams loudly that the principal came to the hallway* The Principal: "what is this bloody high pitched scream?" *Abby starts to cry* Abby: "he...he made me kiss him and he was pulling me closer to him while i tried to break free" *Abby continues to cry* *Preston hugs Abby* Preston: "shh.... its okay, its okay Abby its all gonna be okay."

Marcus POV: *i look at the principal and i walk up to you and i whisper in your ear* Marcus: "Abby... come here..." *i give you a kiss on the lips and i hug you tight* Marcus: "i'm so sorry baby" *i whisper into your ear and i hug you tight* Marcus: "you are everything to me and i won't let anyone take you away from me." *i kiss your neck*

Abby POV: *screams bloody loud* *Preston punches Marcus* Preston: "the f**ck you dont understand that she doesnt want you" *turns to Abby* Preston: "are you okay?" *Abby shakes her head no* Abby: "No..." The principal: "Marcus Baker go into my office ill see you there in a second." *Abby is sobbing in Prestons arms* Preston: "shh... its gonna be okay, he is not gonna hurt you anymore" *Preston sends Marcus a death stare*

Marcus POV: *Marcus walks to the principal and he looked at me angrily* the principal: Marcus Baker... i'm warning you now, get away from Abby before i expel you. *i roll my eyes and ignore the principal* *i walk up to you and i kiss you passionately* Marcus: "I won't lose you abby, i love you, and i won't let anything or anyone get in the way of that" *i continue to kiss your neck* *abby slaps him and preston punches him* preston: "Did you not hear that she doesnt want you? Also youre supposed to be walking to the principals office... so, get lost!" *i spit out blood as he punches me in the lip* *i look at you and i look around me* *my face is bruised up* *i look back at you and i spit out more blood onto the floor* Marcus: "just listen to me, i-i'm sorry okay?" *i go up to you* *i wipe the blood away from my face* *i give you a kiss on the lips* Marcus: "please be mine... i love you so much abby." *i try to be romantic*

Abby POV: Marcus "no, i won't stop..." *he grabs me close to his body and he hugs me tight* *he whispers into my ear* Marcus: "Abby, i'm sorry for being annoying and clingy and all that other stuff, i won't do that anymore." *he hugs me tighter and he gives me a kiss* Marcus: "please forgive me baby, i love you and i want you and i won't stop wanting you." *he smile at me* *the principal drags him by his ear* The principal: "in my office, now!" Abby: "damn..." Press: "i know right? it hurts getting dragged by your ear by the principal.." *he touches his ear* Abby: "im not even gonna ask..." Abby: "thank you press...." *hugs him* Preston: "im here for you, plus i hate him" Abby: "i know you do..." *kisses his cheek*

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