what are you doing?

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!kinda raping! (you can skip this part or dont im just warning you)

Marcus POV: *I blush and look at her in shock as I look back up at her* Marcus: "That felt a lot different than I thought it would." *I look back Down at her in a surprised look with one hand on her chin and another on her waist* Marcus: "Can I ask you something Abby?" Abby: "mhm..." *she says as she kind of thrusts into him* Marcus: "Are you sure your okay doing this?" *I smile as I rub her back* Marcus: "Like when we did it last time... was it like this too?" Abby: "im sure..." Marcus: "*I look down at you blushing* well then can you do me a favor?" Abby: "maybe..." *I look at her blushing hard* Marcus: "Can you use my name this time? I wanna hear you say it when your like this" Abby: "okay.... yes, i can." *Abby looks at him* *I smile as I get closer to you* Marcus: "so then what's my name Abby?" Abby: "Marcus..." *I smile as I run my fingers through your hair* Marcus: "Well then I want you to say it again, but this time while you have that sweet look on your face." *I get closer to you smiling* Abby: "marcus... wha- what are you planning to do?" *Abby looks up on him* *I smirk and look at you* Marcus: "I just got something I wanna try and I wanna see if you like it or not." *I look down at you blushing and smiling*

Abby POV: Abby: "mhm..." *He smiles at me softly as he kisses my jawline* Marcus: "You'll just have to find out." *he keeps kissing my neck as he rubs mine back* Marcus: "It will be something you'll always remember..." Abby: "marcus tell me..... now" Marcus: "I can't because if I tell you, it ruins the surprise." *Marcus smirks* Marcus: "But you'll like it... I know you will, so can you trust me please?" Abby: "no. tell me." *he looks at me and sighs* Marcus: "Abby just trust me, you'll like it." *He looks at me with a serious look* Marcus: "I promise it won't hurt you, it's just gonna be a nice surprise." Abby: "i hate you" *He looks at me with a concerned look* Marcus: "Come on Abby, don't you want it to be a surprise?" Abby: "no, you know i dont like surprises." *Abby looks at him with puppy eyes* *he puts his face in his hands* Marcus: "Abby please, trust me on this. You will like this I promise..." Abby: "fine." *He looks at me smiling* Marcus: "Thank you, you really won't regret this. Just close your eyes for a second ok?" *abby looks at him* Abby: "why?" 

Marcus POV: Marcus: "Just close your eyes, I need to get into position" *I say as I laugh softly while leaning down close to her. As I hold her chin and start to whisper in her ear* Marcus: "I know what youre like and I'm gonna take you a place you've never been before, just close your eyes and trust me Abby, your gonna love this." *Abby scoffs and closes her eyes* *I smile as I look at her* Marcus: "Ok, keep your eyes closed I'm right behind you, can you feel my breath on your neck?" Abby: "no" *abby says sarcasticaly* Abby: "where are you going with this?" *I continue to whisper in her ear* Marcus: "just wait for it, your gonna love it." *I whisper in her ear as I grab her by the waist and turn her around so her back is facing me* *I then start to kiss her neck while playing with her hair, still whispering softly in her ear* Marcus: "you like that Abby?" *I smile as I continue to play with her hair and keep kissing her neck* Abby: "not really..." *I kiss her harder and whisper in her ear* "just wait Abby, just wait" *I continue kissing her neck as I run my hands down her back* *Abby is kind of uncomfortable* *I whisper in her ear with a smirk* Marcus: "you know you want more Abby..." *I kiss her neck faster and run my hand down her stomach* Abby: "okay marcus, stop." *I look at her in concern and confusion* Marcus: "why?" *I pull away and look at her* Marcus: "If you want this to stop just tell me, but I thought you liked it?" Abby: "yeah..." *lies but also tells the truth*

Abby POV: *he looks at me blushing and smiling* Marcus: "Oh, well I just figured you liked it. If you want me to stop then I will, but why did you lie and tell me that you were liking it? *I look at you blushing and slightly confused* *he looks at me with a concerned look* Marcus: "wait wait wait, how does that make sense? Don't tell me your messing with me again." Abby: "im not i just.. i dont even know.." *he looks at me with a slight blush and smiles* Marcus: "alright well what should we call this thing that's going on between us?" *he looks at me and starts to play with my hair* Abby: "boyfriend?" *i put my hand out* * he nods his head* Marcus: "Yes, I like that. I would love to be your boyfriend" *he reaches his hand out and grabs mine smiling* *kisses him* *he starts to lean in smiling and he reaches his arms around my waist and kisses me back as he holds me*

i wanna be savedOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz