why dont i remember it?

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!Making out and a little more!

Abby POV: *I smile and take my phone back* Marcus: "Oh well there's one thing I like about you, the honesty." Abby: "thanks." *Kisses him passionately* *Marcus kiss her back passionately and hold her close* Marcus: "Thank you for showing me this side of you" *He winks at me* *he pushes me onto my bed and pushes himself on top of me and kisses me aggressively* *Abby moans* *Abby feels his tongue in her mouth* *I pull away and blush extremely hard* Marcus: "Hey Abby... are you alright with this?" Abby: "im more than alright with this." *I look at you smiling while blushing hard* Marcus: "So... do you like what we are doing?" Abby: "i love this." *I look at you and smirk* Marcus: "Well that's good." *he starts to kiss her again this time more aggressively and grabbing at your shirt.* *moans quietly* *he pull away blushing harder as I stare at you in confusion* Hey Abby, do you wanna take things a little slower? *he looks at me with a concerned but curious look* Abby: No.. *he looks at me as he blushes hard* Marcus: "Are you sure? It's okay if you want to keep going but I just think this is going a bit too fast and I wanna just make sure you don't regret anything." *He looks at me in concern and confusion still* Abby: "im 100% sure"

Marcus POV: *I look at her blushing* Marcus: "Okay, I guess we will keep going then." *I look at you blushing hard* Marcus: "I wanna ask you a question." Abby: "yea?" Marcus: "Have you ever done anything like this before?" *I look at Abby concerned and curious* Abby: "yeah...." *I smirk* "Oh so this is normal for you?" *I grab her hand and lay down on top of her* Abby: "nah. i did it just once." Marcus: "Oh?" *I look at her in a surprised look* "What was it like?" Abby: "i dont know.... how did you feel Marcus?" Oh uhm... well honestly kind of nervous *I smirk* You know I just don't want you doing something you'd regret or I didn't want you to regret making this a normal thing for you... *I look at you blushing as I continue to hold your hand* boy.... i did it with you *my face is a deep red* Um well. *I look at her blushing* Yeah okay good to know... *I continue to lay and look at her blushing more* *I put both my hands on her waist* Marcus: "Hey Abby, do you mind if I say something real quick?" Abby: "i dont mind" *I look at her with a serious look* Marcus: "Um ok then. So Abby, can I tell you a secret and can you not tell anybody?" Abby: "Mhm..." Marcus: "Ok, thank you for listening" *I pause and sigh before smiling* Marcus: "So Abby.. I have to admit that this is my first time..." *I look at her and wait for her to respond* 

Abby POV: Abby: "No it isnt" *i see him blush* Marcus: "Ok I'm gonna be honest, you're right it isn't and I was just trying to make you feel better. I mean uh, I'm just curious as to why this isn't your first time cause I would think that a girl as pretty as you, a lot have been all over you." *he looks at me with a confused and curious look* "we did it before Marcus..." *I see his eyes go wide with surprise* Marcus: "Before??? When???" Abby: "boy...." *puts her hand on her forehead* *he look at me with a surprised look* Marcus: "You mean before we knew each other?" Abby: "after." *he looks at me shocked by this* Marcus: "You mean right now is the second time?" *His eyes are wide with shock* Abby: "mhm.... i cant believe you dont remember" *he looks at me and then starts to laugh* Marcus: "Wait... that was you??? I thought that was just a dream!" *he laughs harder* Abby: "gosh marcus...." *He laughs, gets up and sits by me on the bed* Marcus: "Wait then do you remember me?" Abby: "i didnt get a memory loss so, yes i do remember you" *he laughs harder and shakes his head* Marcus: "I actually can't tell if your being serious right now or just messing with me." Abby: "ass" *he laughs a bit and puts his face in his hands* Marcus: "So this is real?" Abby: "i hate you." *He looks up at me and smirks* Marcus: "I love you too Abby, but please be serious with me right now. Is this really true? How come you never mentioned this to me?" 

Marcus POV: *I stand up* Marcus: "wait wait wait! Hold on!" *I grab her by her shoulders* Marcus: "Look I just wanna know why you never mentioned this to me before. I mean I remember you and I really liked you and I knew I wasn't dreaming." *I look at her with a confused look waiting for her to answer me* Abby: "because youre supposed to remember if it meant something to you. i guess it didnt mean anything to you." Marcus: "No! That's not true!" *I keep her close.* Marcus: "I do remember being with you and I did like you a lot. I remember I called you gorgeous and beautiful. I remember being happy that night and I remember how your eyes looked. I remember it all." *I look at her with a smile as I continue to hold her* Marcus: "No it was something special, I just don't know why you never said or talked about it. Maybe you thought of it as something else?" *I looked at you smiling* Abby: "you never said anything about my eyes or called me nicknames, do you have another bitch you are seeing and calling that?" *I look at her with a confused and concerned look* Marcus: "Abby..." *my eyes get wide and I let go of her* Marcus: "Are you... are you serious?" *I look at her with my eyes wide open in shock* Marcus: "I remember doing all those things with you and for me it was definitely special. I never would have been with anyone else if I was still with or wanting you..." *I look at her concerned and confused*

Abby POV: Abby: "you never did that to me..." Marcus: "No, I know I did." *he looked at me with a sad and concerned look* Marcus: "This was special Abby, so please tell me you remember it and you enjoyed it." *He looks at me with a hurt look and wanting to know why she wouldn't remember this...* Abby: "you never called me gorgeous or beautiful" *he puts his face in his hands and sigh* Marcus: "I know I did, Abby, I remember every moment." *I look up at her and grab her hand* Marcus: "Please tell me you remember, this was probably the best night of my life and it's gonna kill me to think that you don't remember this." *I wait for a response while still holding her hand* Abby: "when was it?..." Marcus: "It was last week.. maybe four or five days ago." *he looks at me with a concerned look* Marcus: "You don't remember anything?" Abby: "where was it?" Marcus: "We were at a abandoned building, it was dark out and I remember seeing your eyes glowing." *He looks at me with a sad look and he grab my hand and holds it tightly* Abby: "im sorry.... i dont know why i dont remember this.... im really trully sorry marcus" *i look at him with tears in my eyes* *He sighs hard and let out a deep laugh* Marcus: "You know what Abby..." *He smiles* Marcus: "this is just really crazy because I remember so much." *I look at her and hug her tight* Marcus: "It's okay, you don't have to be sorry." *I just hold you tight, happy that I don't feel alone about this* Abby: "are you sure?" *cuddles into him* *I smile and nod* yea, I am. *I continue to hold her tight and pull her even closer* I'm so glad to know that I'm not crazy. *I keep smiling and nod my head. Then I lean down and hold her lips and go in for a kiss* *abby kisses him back*

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