why do you care?

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Marcus POV: Marcus: "Whatever, you are probably just some sad loser who got broken up or something" *she rolls her eyes and go back to smoking* i see her lighting a cigarette and i raised my eyebrow Marcus: "Is that a cigarette?" i asked her. Abby deciding being the bitch she is asked: "why do you care?" Marcus: "Oh no I just never thought of you as the type to smoke. Like you seem like a real square and that stuff is kinda a problem for your body and mind." Abby: "i really do not care anymore..." *I chuckle* Marcus: "And why is that?" Abby: "because..." *I raise my eyebrow, waiting for her to say something else* Abby: "im not gonna finish the sentence baker." Marcus: "Oh okay well I'm assuming either you went through a shitty thing or your depressed so which one is it?" Abby: "what if its both?" *looks at him* Marcus: "Well in that case, you really don't want to be smoking. It won't make the situation any better and will make your life more shitty. What do you usually do to make yourself feel better?" *he looks at her worryingly* *Abby smokes the cigarette* Abby: "this.." *she breathes it out* Marcus: "Oh, so like you try to relax and get away from life by smoking the cancer stick?" *abby looks at him* Abby: "if i get cancer and d!e ill be happy!" *he chuckles a little* Marcus: "Why do you want to die, your young right and you gotta lot of life ahead of you, why not live?" *I tilt my head and raise my eyebrow* Abby: "young? im 16." Marcus: "Exactly, not even out of high school and your talking about dying. It won't get better that way! You should be looking forward to the future and having a plan for it. Why are you just giving up, you are not even an adult. You have more to life then just laying around and smoking you know." *Abby looks at him* Abby: "my plan for the future is.... dying" Marcus: "Yeah but if you die then what?! You'll never have a future, never see the world, never meet all these great people and have great experiences. Who knows you could meet someone." Abby: "i really dont care." *I look at abby and sigh* Marcus: "What made you this way?" Abby: "everything, everyone i hate everything and everyone" Marcus: "Who hurt you? Your parents, your ex, your friends? Tell me someone must have destroyed your self esteem, confidence, and outlook on life." *I stare at her dead in the eye with a serious expression* Abby: "EVERYONE FUCKING EVERYONE!!" *I chuckle* Marcus: "Well it's probably your bad attitude that makes everyone hate you, have you ever thought about that?" Abby: "thought about that? thought about what, how everyone hates me, how everyone sees me or what everyone is thinking of me. yes, yes i fucking have!!" Marcus: "Well it's true, you are an absolute menace for no reason. Just acting like a bitch. Have you ever even tried to be nice or just normal to someone?" *abby walks away* *I quickly run up and grab Abbys arm once again* Marcus: "Wait! No this is perfect, I'll prove that you can be normal around people. I'll make you be nice." Abby: "i dont need your help. bye." *grabs her hand and walks away* Marcus: "See, that's what I'm talking about, your never nice to anyone. Just try and be nice to someone so you can prove me wrong. So you can show me that you can do it." *Abby flips him off while walking away* Marcus: "See, that's what I'm talking about, your never nice to anyone. Just try and be nice to someone so you can prove me wrong. So you can show me that you can do it."

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