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!warning: burning herself!

Abby POV: *the bell rings* Abby: "bye ass." i went home before marcus could follow me. once i got home as usually nobody was there, so i went to my room i dropped to the floor. *starts to cry and grabs her lighter* *she starts to burn herself* *tries not to scream or cry loudly *

Marcus POV: even though i hate her i still decided to check up on her since she left really fast. I got to her house and went inside since her house door was open i went to her room and i knocked on it. *I knock on her door* "Hey... you okay in there?" *I knock again* "Abby, you doing good in there?" *I sigh and knock again* "Hey come on now, let me in I just want to talk for a minute..." i heard some clinching but i decided to ignore it since its not my problem. *Abby unlocked the door* Abby: "what do you want?" Marcus: "I just want to talk, I'm really worried about you and your self harm. You don't look great." *I stare at you with a serious look and a worried expression in my eyes* Abby: "Im fine, bye" *I walk in without waiting for her to respond* "Don't try lie to me. I know you burn yourself, I'm not dumb. I also know your depressed and have been for a while based on what I know about you. It's not right to be like this." *I stare at you then hug you tight* *abby hugs him tightly* Abby: "im sorry i was a b*tch to you." *abby looks up at him*

Abby POV: i felt him kissing my forehead which wasnt that bad. Marcus: "It's all good, I know you just wanna be happy. You didn't mean anything by it and im not mad at you." *I smile and let go* Marcus: "But you need to stop hurting yourself, it's going to get worse and worse so please tell me you won't do it again." *he looks at her with a soft and caring look* *nods her head* i wont.... i promise *she stands up and throws all (three) of her lighters to the trash* *goes back to him and makes him cuddle her* Marcus: "Hey, look at that your already making progress. Do you feel better now?" Abby: "a little..." Marcus: "Thats good, I'm glad." *Marcus smile at me and kiss my forehead* Marcus: "Hey Abby, I got a question for you." Abby: "If youre gonna ask me why i do this then im not answering you." *looks at him* Marcus: "No, I already know the answer and we have already covered it. What I want to ask your is if you want to come hang with me sometime. I don't want you to be alone all the time, I can tell you got issues with people but I think that if we hang out then maybe I can really help you with that. And maybe it'll just be fun to hang out." *he looks at me, smiling waiting for a response* Abby: "sure... id love that." *hugs him* "thank you..." *I hug her back* Marcus: "Your welcome, that would be amazing. I can get your number now too right?" Abby: "sure +995 555 539832 (random phone number), you want me to type it in your phone?" Marcus: "Yes please" *I hand her my phone* Abby: "kay.." *types her phone number in his phone and saves herself as abby❤️* *he look at me and smiles* Marcus: "That's perfect. Hey Abby can I ask one more thing?" Abby: "mhm.." *gives him his phone* "whats up?"

Marcus POV: "Well I just wanted to say that I really like you and you mean a lot to me. It was nice to spend time with you and you seem really really awesome." *I smile at her and give her a tight squeeze* Abby: "you seem... fine" *abby says sarcasticaly and laughs* Marcus: "Hey!" *I pull her back and laugh at her too* "I'm trying to be nice here and you say you're fine. Well you know who you really sound like?" Abby: "your bitchy girlfriend?" Marcus: "Yeah!" *I laugh more* "And I don't wanna date a b*tch! I wanna a date a nice person." *I smirk and grab her hand smiling* *Abby kisses his cheek* Abby: "well, im the complete oppisite." *I kiss her on the cheek back* Marcus: "So you not a b*tch, but your not nice either? Is this is a joke or what?" *I smirk and tilt my head*Abby: "im....both, depens on the person." *she looks at him* Marcus: "I can't imagine you being a b*tch to like a little kid but maybe a guy is different I guess." *I smirk and tease* Marcus: "I guess I'll have to see this b*tch side of you sometimes." Abby: "you bet you will have to." *I look at her and laugh* Marcus: "When is it supposed to happen? Am I gonna have to piss you off first or are you gonna be a bitch randomly?" Abby: "the second one." Marcus: "Great, so now I have to worry about you being a b*tch all the time." 

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