6- Proposal - (KinnMac)

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The next day _

Vegas officially thanked Kim again.

The cousins plan to do something fun again. Tankhun's idea is especially first in the rank.

And this time Kim will also join them.

Today they planned a one day trip to visit the beach side. They'll come back at night.

On this trip Vegas sits next to Kuyhan while Venice makes Kenya sit next to Kim. And Kim is someone with good flirting skills though he never approaches anyone officially.

They sing songs together.

Venice and Kuyhan keep Vegas busy and Tankhun is also here. They're playing beach games.


On the other hand,

Mac is soaking his feet into the cold water. His shirt already slides off from his skin revealing his skin.

Kinn comes from behind and pinches Mac's tummy's skin.

"Oii... What the fuck are you doing damnit?"

"Put on your shirt."


"People are watching you."

Mac shoots a glance around. But only a few people are around here and they're quite far from them.

"So... I'll show off my sexy skin. What's your problem?"

"So you'll disobey my orders now."

"Yeah. Who are you? I'll do whatever I want. I want a lover. And I'll obey him. If I don't show off then how can I find someone. Anyway who's I'm talking to... An old man like you won't understand."

"What do you just said? I'm an old man!"

"Of course. You have any doubt? At this age you should have at least one lover. But I want to have one and get married quickly."

"That much desperate huh?"

"Why not? I haven't got my first kiss yet."

Kinn smirks. He grabbed Mac's face and kissed him. Mac didn't expect that.

All these years he keeps annoying Kinn. He knows he likes Kinn a bit more than their cousin's relationship. He doesn't know how the other feels for him.

A sudden move just shakes his poor heart. He froze on the spot.

Kinn pulled himself back.

"You're too stiff. Can't you move your lips?... Anyway... and If you're that needy I can help you. I mean I can find someone for you as well."

"No... no need... I... I don't want a relationship that will be gone in the near future... I want someone to love only me... And only him would be enough and I can spend my whole life with that person."

"You'll be that loyal."

"What do you think huh? I won't fuck around like whores. Of course I'll be loyal in my relationship."


"Then what?"

"Why don't you date this old man first? Though no one ever asked me to be in a relationship seriously. So I was just hoping around. I'll be loyal in our relationship as well. I'm ready to try it out."

"What are you saying?"

"I know you feel something for me.. so don't be shy."

Mac turned his head around.

"You're an adult now. I think you have the right to express your feelings. And... You can trust me... I'm not good at words so I don't know how to give a proposal to someone. So I just asked you directly."

Mac is already overwhelmed by his words and smiles a little.

"Hugh!! This is the problem with the old men. I thought someone would propose to me in a romantic way... But it's ok. I... Accept..."

Kinn smiles .

"....But.. if you look at someone else... I'll break your bonus for sure."

"Ok. So can I continue our unfinished Task?"


Kinn pulled him closer for a kiss. For Mac it still feels like a dream. But he's happy.


While Kim is praising the beauty as they planned.

"Hey... Wanna take a walk around?"

Kenya just nodded. She's already showing off her beauty with the sexy dresses.

"You're sexy you know that."

"Hugh... I know. Do you have other words to describe me?"

"Seriously.. I don't have. Vegas is lucky to have a beauty like you."

"Of course."

"Is he good In bed?"

"I think so but he rarely gives me time."

"So he ignores you."

"I don't know."

"If I got a chance... I would never ignore such beauty like you."


"Yeah.. tell me what you like and how you like..."

"Are you trying to praise me?"

"Did it work? Because I want a seductive beauty like you as well."

Kenya just smirked. Kim knows his words are working.

He keeps talking with her until he makes sure that she's convinced enough.

He tried to get a bit touchy to make his words more convenient. And she didn't refuse.

Now he has to execute the next part of the plan.


(Slow update)

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