9- On A Date

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Vegas and Kuyhan fall asleep together.

The next morning _

Kuyhan was sleeping over Vegas' chest. His eyes first got the beautiful sleeping sight of Vegas.

He smiled. He can't believe that he bravely asked this man out and he agreed.

"What are you staring at?"

Vegas opens his eyes.

"You... I.. didn't expect to be with you like this... So yeah.. I'm.. too much happy."

"Humm.. then what's the plan today? I mean you asked me out last night."

"Let's go on a date. Only you and me.."

"What we'll say to others? I killed my girlfriend last night and today I'm going on a date with my cousin who has had a crush on me since childhood. Hehe..."

"You can if you want.."

"Seriously?... So.. is there anyone who knows about your tiny crush on me?"

"About this... Only Kim knows."

"Humm .. so many secrets between twins,  huh?"

"He knows everything about me but I know only a few... Anyway.. let's go downstairs. Venice must be dying because of anxiety."

They freshened up and went downstairs. Everyone is present at the breakfast table. As soon as Venice saw Vegas he run and hugged his brother.

"Hia... You ok?.. I'm worried."

"I'm ok. I already told you. Don't worry."

"That's great. After all he's a Theerapanyakul. No need to get stressed about it. Tell him to stop. His silent sobbing is awful." Tankhun frankly spoke while crossing his arms.

"Hia Nu..."

"It's ok Venice. I'm alright. Let's eat together."

Vegas sit between Venice and Tan. Kim and Kuyhan are sitting his opposite.

"Bro... What did you talk with Vegas for the whole damn night? Don't tell me that.. you guys..." Kim smirked at his brother.

"You want a kick in your ass!"

"Come on... I was kidding. Ok fine. Tell me what happened?"

"Well... I asked him out with me. Directly proposed."

Kim almost choked the toast, he just took a bite.

"You did what!!!" Kim said out loud.

Everyone's eyes shift to Kim.

"Ahem... Kim.. why you suddenly screamed like this?" Korn asked.

Meal time is a quite peaceful and sweet moments between the family. The elders join it with the youngers. They softly talk and enjoy their food together. So Kim's sudden scream made a bit disturbance.

"It's nothing... Sorry Pa..."

Kuyhan glared at him.

"You fool!!! Who told you to screen like that?"

"You sure you proposed to him directly and sitting here in peace. I mean you always get nervous in front of our beloved cousin. You hands get cold. And this you proposed to him overnight.. so I'm a bit confused. it's not your dream, right?"

"You're mocking me?!"

"Maybe ... Make sure you just didn't dream about it."

"I know. Today we're going on a date."

"A date after a murder...Not bad. Don't let anyone steal your prince again."

"If he finds someone better than I'll let him go."

"Auhh!! You and your unconditional love. But if I love something.. I simply snatch it. Because it belongs to me and don't let it go until I want... Anyway, it's up to you."

"We look alike but we're not same not even our POV. You love in your way and I love in my way... All I want to see the person happy. No matter if he's away from me. That's it."

"You're totally drunk in love bro! Good luck."

They enjoyed their food.

Kuyhan cancelled all his schedule for today. Today is special and his very first date.

But they couldn't make as Kuyhan planned it because of Tankhun. He trapped Vegas in his room for almost the whole day.

In the afternoon they got a chance to escape.

Kuyhan's driving.

"So where are you taking me?"

"I haven't decided yet... Let's see where we can go.."

They drive though the falling sunshine. They reached a beautiful river bank.

"It's nice here."

"I used to come here to practice my painting skills."

"Good choice."

"You want me to grab something to eat?"

"No need now... I just want to enjoy the nature and... Talk with you more."

"You wanna ask something in particular?"

"No... Just tell me more about you... I wanna know..."

"What can I tell you? You already know most of the things.."

"Still.. tell things I don't know.."

Vegas smiles. Kuyhan slightly intertwined their fingers.

"Thing you don't know is... You're.. very... Handsome.."


"I have a lot to say... but not now.. Let's take things slowly. I want to spend the best moments with you. I promise I will never hurt you."


"... Today spoiled for Hia Nu.. let's go on another one next time."

Kuyhan kissed the back of Vegas' hand. He plays with the fingers placing his head on the other's shoulder.

They're enjoying their accompany surrounded by the beautiful view of mother nature.


(Slow updates!)

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