5 | Taking Matters

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Infront of them laid a mysterious place. N's eyes widened quickly as he took a step back, still shaky after the journey here in the first place. "What? How did you.." He started, but his own fears couldn't continue it.
"В чем дело?"(What's the matter) Doll said, tilting her head as her hair flew back. In the moment, she really resembled her mother..her eyes flicker with the solver symbol before switching back.
"How did you find the Labs?" N asked, doubting Doll was completely trustworthy, giving her a suspicious observe before he came closer to Uzi.
Doll stared blankly at him, before emotionlessly replying with, "Насекомое показало мне это." (The insect showed me this.) Everything went deadly silent, and Uzi and N looked to each other cautiously, before turning back to Doll.
"Which bug again?" Uzi sighed, tapping her foot again as she glared at Doll. Being so close to a previous enemy seems tacky on her part, but atleast she didn't betray them. Yet..

A bug crawled up to Doll's shoulder, making a horrific squelching noise as it moved. It was the bug that was the "key" she previously took from them, and it's antenna undeniably pointed to the view infront of them. "Видеть!" (See!) Doll exclaimed, shrugging. 
"Err, alright then. Why would you bring us here though." N was curious on why she had a change of heart. From trying to kill them, to saving them.
"Ay, she's following in your steps. Unexpected Heel-Face Turns!" Uzi cackled after nudging N, unable to stop herself laughing as N watched in disbelief at her joke. He cracked up himself slightly, but Doll wasn't that amused. 
"Да брось! Я привел тебя сюда по серьезному делу." (C'mon! I brought you here for a serious matter.) She snapped, and all the laughter ceased like a switch flicking off. "Не заставляй меня сожалеть об этом." (Don't make me regret it.)
They began to walk deeper into the labatory, the shiny, glistening flasks fulled of acidic material and liquids they refrained from touching. N was weirdly interested in them, to the point he had to become a dog on a leash with Uzi, stopping him from accidentally burning to death. It was a huge change from the illuminated icy grounds outside, as they were now in a darkened, warm lab with piles of notes, paperwork and more dangerous things.

"Did you see the astronaut girl?" Uzi asked bitterly, not using the name. This caught Doll off guard, and she willingly paid attention to Uzi.
"Тесса?" Doll questioned, using her solver powers to crush the door like a soda can, throwing it to the side to clear the doorway.
"Tessa." N butted in, and Doll murmured something under her breath.
"No, that's how you pronounce it in russian." Uzi groaned, pissed off by how far the question was from being answered.
"Pronounce what?" N smirked.
"T- HEY! You can't just trick me into saying it!" She grumbled, shoving N playfully yet she wasn't so pleased nevertheless. 
"Ты заткнешься?" (Will you shut up?)
"Damn, sorry.." She wasn't sorry, but it was better to pretend to be even if they could all tell she wasn't. They made it to a point where it was just a long corridor with dim lights and glass shards on the floor. Most likely the source of it was from the broken windows against the walls.  The material used for the walls was also suggestible. It was a dark, dingy labatory. Abadonded, and it should have stayed that way to be honest. Trays with chemicals and other states of matters were there.

"I think I could have easily have made this in physics." Uzi proudly flicked back her short hair that barely moved.
"Это химия, умник."(It's chemistry, smart guy.) 
"Whatever! I could still have made it." 
"Guys, stop." N shushed them, before pointing to the lane on the left of this route. There was a door, with a glaring light pushing through the doorway. Tubes with cyan blue liquids leaking down the route was pretty off-putting, along with tube racks with empty tubes. That was even more scary, cause where could it have gone..?
"In the movies, they say we should just smile and turn the other way." Uzi fumbles, chuckling nervously as she steps back. Doll doesn't hold back from grabbing her right back by the collar of her jumper.
"Это фильм?" (Is this a movie?) She moans with annoyance, shaking her head. Uzi smirks at her, before turning into the darkness where the supposed camera is meant to be.
"I don't know, is it?" She winks, but Doll also won't stop hersef from smacking Uzi back to reality. 
"В своей комнате ты можешь быть садистом, а здесь мы нормальные. Понял?" (In your room you can be a sadist, but here we are normal. Understood?)

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