Chapter Three: The Call

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I was closing Bradley's Video Store up with Randy, it had been a busy night. After my best friend Casey and her boyfriend Steve were murdered and I was stabbed barely making it out alive people wanted to buy a bunch of slasher flicks.

I was remembering the call that night.
Who was the killer in Friday the Thirteenth? I heard  him ask Casey "Jason! It was Jason!" She said, I swore it was his mother. I listened as Casey argued with the killer then we watched in horror as Steve was gutted.
End flashback

I was snapped out of my thoughts as the phone rang. Randy was on the other side of the store so I picked it up "hello?" I said. "Hello Yn" I gasped, nearly dropping the phone it couldn't be but it was the voice from two nights ago. "W-what do you want" I asked shaking

To play a game you lose I kill you and that geek now you win you stay alive.. For now" he said.  I was a huge horror nerd like Randy. I could do this. "Fine" I said. "Someone is confident," he chuckled. "Just start!" I snapped. At this point Randy ran over worried. He put his arms around me to help me stay calm. He also pulled out a big knife which surprised me.

"Ok in the first Halloween movie who was Michael's first kill?" He asked. "His older sister and he was just a kid" I said, knowing that one easily. Halloween was my favorite. Randy kissed my head "good job you got this" he whispered.

Good next question: which Nightmare on Elm Street did Nancy die in?" he asked "Nightmare on Elm Street 3 the Dream Warriors" I answered without hesitation. "Good job I didn't think you would get that one." He chuckled darkly and fear shot through me. I grabbed Randy's hand tightly, tears falling out of my E/C eyes.

Final question: What is the most memorable scene in the movie Psycho?" He asked. I hesitated, I always got Psycho and The Shinning mixed up. I felt Randy gently squeeze my hand and I relaxed thinking back to each movie, then it hit me "the shower scene where she is murdered in the shower!" I said "I beat you asshole!" I added. "For now but watch your back Yn" he said and hung up.

I put the phone down and broke down crying falling onto my knees terrified and relieved. Randy hugged me pulling me close. "Shhh it's ok we are safe" he told me. "Yes for now but what about in the future" I cried burying my face in his chest not caring I was getting his shirt wet.

Randy gently grabbed my chin making me look him in the eyes. "I won't let anything happen to you I promise" he told me. Looking into his eyes I believed it. I knew I was safe with him. "Just don't let me lose you too" I told him. He held me close. "You won't, I promise I love you so much." He said, kissing my head.

I love you too my little geek" I smiled and kissed him. He kissed back then we finished closing. Once that was done he took me home. "I don't want to be alone and dad isn't home. He is at work. Will you stay with me?" I asked. "Of course my love I have some Pjs in the car" he grabbed them and we went inside. Ironically we watched Halloween till we fell asleep.  I loved Randy so much. If I ever lost him I didn't know what I would do.

AN: since the first two were kind of dark I decided to do a mostly sweet one. R&R or vote please.

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