Chapter Four: Halloween Slasher Party

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I was excited. Stu was having a Halloween party and Randy and I got off early. I waited at the house with Yn. She was going as a sexy pirate. I was a vampire. I even had fake blood running down my mouth. Soon Randy pulled up and we headed there. The murders were still going on and the loss of my best friend Casey was still fresh.

We stopped and got drinks then went to Stu's. Hey babe" stu smiled and kissed Yn. I watched them walk away. I looked at Randy as we headed to the den.

"Let me guess you brought Halloween from the store?" I asked him. He grinned "you know it gem" I chuckled and shook my head as he twirled me. We cuddled up on the couch "can you go get me a drink?" I asked him. He nodded and soon returned with one of my Smirnoffs.

The movie later started and someone asked what the rules were. "Oh boy" I thought with a smile as Randy stood up pausing the movie. "Jesus, you don't know the rules?!" He said "have an aneurysm why don't you" stu said.

There are certain rules one must divide by to successfully survive a horror movie" he began. "One you can never have sex" everyone booed and threw popcorn at him. He swatted it away "big no no big no no" he said.

"Number two, never drink or do drugs," he said. We all cheered and clinged our bottles together. "It's an extension of number one" he said.

And number three never ever say I'll be right back because you won't be back" he said. Stu stood up "I'm gonna get another beer you want one?" He asked. "Yeah sure" Randy said. "I'LL BE RIGHT BACK" stu yelled backing up.

We all laughed at that. Randy sat down and I cuddled close with him falling asleep. I later woke up to him shaking me. His collar bone was bleeding. "WHAT HAPPENED?!" I asked. "Emerald and Christina Carpenter were behind the murders. Emerald was jealous because I chose you. Christina was jealous Billy chose sid especially because she is pregnant sadly they got away" he said.

He was crying "I thought you were dead sge stabbed you several times in the stomach". He told me. I looked down and saw my bloody stomach. It was Casey's all over again.

I screamed. I looked at my friends. Sidney seemed ok, same with YN but Billy and Stu had multiple stab wounds. "If you tell me they had Halloween Michael Meyers masks on I'll scream". They all laughed as the ambulance got there

Halfway to the hospital I passed out hearing Randy scream my name. I woke up hours later in the ICU I saw emerald in front of me. "How the fuck did you get in here?!" I asked. "I asked my nurse mother to see my dearest friend" she said rolling her eyes.

I scoffed and reached for the emergency call button. "Yeah that's not happening" she pulled it out of the plug. I would not lie I was terrified. I tried to push her off as she climbed on top of me choking me. I couldn't breathe I did not want to die yet. I kicked her in the stomach distracting her enough to push her off.

I got up running toward the door. The icu seemed empty I saw a dead police officer on the floor his throat slit. I looked for his gun and noticed he didn't have it. I swore that meant she did. I just ran I felt the stitches in my stomach pull but I ignored the pain.

I made it to the elevator which thankfully opened and I saw dewey there with other police. A gunshot rang out and I scream as it ripped through my stomach. I fell to the ground bleeding a lot. The last thing I heard and saw was a gun shot and emerald falling to the ground dead. "F-fuck you b-bitch" I managed as I passed out.

One year later

The six of us were now in college it had been a year since Stu's slasher Halloween party. Tonight would be our first college party "I don't know guys history repeats itself and Christina was never found" I said.

"Oh come on gem it will be fine you have three psychotic protectors" stu told me. The boys revealed to us they killed Sid's mother it took her a while to forgive them but she finally did. "Fine but this better not be Halloween slasher part two" I huffed.

AN: I know I'm a day late but in honor of Halloween here is a Halloween one shot. I want to point out. These one shots are not connected.

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