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I woke up exactly how i slept;  naked
My naked body under the covers, touching hers, i woke her up slowly , so we can get ready for our day.

I searched in her drawers and found some underwear for me, i wore it then wore clothes, a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, nothing special, shortly sara woke up too

"Where are you going?"
She asked, cover her face with her hand from the sun

"To college, and you have to do too , so get up"

I say and approach her, taking the covers off of her.

She gets up , washes her face and comes to get dressed. I decide to eat something so i take a croissant from the cabinet and eat it with some coffee. As i look at the clock i head out realising i should have left earlier i run to the train station.
And just on time , i jump on the train and head to college.

I walk to my first period, chemistry, there is my favourite professor , but don't tell him that, he likes to brag.
I sit next to Joan, and she greets me with a good morning.

"My god, you look stunning today"
She compliments me

I answer and the professor comes in so the class starts.
For the second period i have math, so i go , i didn't have a good time in there, i don't always do, of course college isn't about having a , great time, but its good to have one when you can. The rest of the day went smooth.
I was about to leave and go home, but Joan called out to me.
"Hey wait up!"

I stopped and waited for her to catch up to me

"Me and some others are going to get some ice cream wanna come?"
She asks and i say sure to it, why not its not like I've got somewhere to be.

"Ice cream sounds good"
And we walk towards the other people who also had nowhere to be and chose to go for ice-cream.
We walk to an ice cream shop that's near the train station,we all order and pay, we finish our ice cream with Smalltalk.

I say goodbye and catch my train , i hop on and then Realise That I confused the trains, and accidentally took the one that takes me to my parents house, a wave of sadness washed all over me .

On the first  stop i get off and grab the right train, then get home.

I walk to saras house , i ring the doorbell to see if shes there, it opens and i walk up.

Sara's waiting for me.i get in and she closes the door shut. I jump a bit.
"Everything okay?"

I asked because she looked angry.
"Where the fuck have you been ?"

"What do you mean? I was at campus i say with a pizzled face , not understanding her attitude, but little did i know i was about to get a déjà vu.

She runs to me and pins me to the wall grabbing my face squishing it hard.
"DON'T lie to me "

She shouts . My eyes widen and i look at her terrified.
"How ... Much... Did you use?"

I ask. She rolles her eyes.

"I didn't take any "

"Then why are you acting like that?"
I say while tears start running down my cheeks, my head still pinned to the wall, squished by her strong fingers . She then lets go.

"Im the bad guy AGAIN!"

She shouts throwing her hands all over the place.

"What are you talking about Sara ?"
I say to her with a calm but firm voice.
"Please calm down baby."

I say and approach her . I raise my hands to hug her but she pushes my hands away.

" Are you cheating on me?""
"What no im not"

I scoffed not believing that she makes such unbelievable remarks.
"Then where. The fuck. Were you"

She says and  my patience has run out with her.

To be continued.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2023 ⏰

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