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I was seething, lost in a whirlwind of emotions

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I was seething, lost in a whirlwind of emotions. The glass of whiskey in my hand was already my fourth, and I was on the verge of being completely drunk. Mateo and Ricardo had entered my office, concern etched on their faces as they questioned my heavy drinking. But I was in no mood for their inquiries.

"What's going on, Luca? Why are you drinking like this?" Mateo's voice held a mix of worry and frustration.

I slammed the glass down on my desk, the liquid sloshing dangerously. My voice was filled with anger as I snapped at them, my eyes blazing with fury. "I love her, goddamn it!"

Ricardo's eyes widened as he exchanged a concerned look with Mateo. I was beyond reasoning, and I needed to get these feelings out. I quoted the words that had torn my heart apart, her words that were etched into my mind like a curse.

"She said, 'I don't know how to feel.' And then she said, 'But someday, I might...'"

My fists clenched in frustration, and I continued my tirade, my words laced with pain and anger. "Do you know what that means? It means she doesn't want me, not now, not yet. And I can't... I can't bear the thought of losing her."

I was raging, my mind clouded by the alcohol and the tumult of emotions. Mateo and Ricardo exchanged worried glances as they tried to calm me, but there was no consoling the storm that raged within me.

With a whirlwind of emotions driving me, I stood up abruptly, leaving Mateo and Ricardo in my office as I stormed out of the room. The living room was my destination, and I was hell-bent on giving Adriana a piece of my mind.

As I burst into the room, Mateo and Ricardo tried to stop me, their voices filled with concern and reason, but it was too late. My gaze locked onto Adriana, and something inside me snapped. I couldn't contain the overwhelming emotions that had consumed me.

I advanced towards her, my voice sharp and unrelenting. "Adriana, we can't stay friends, not after what you said. 'I don't know how to feel.' And 'But someday, I might...' Do you know what that does to me?"

She opened her mouth, as if attempting to explain, but I didn't give her a chance. My frustration, anger, and heartbreak were coming out in torrents, and I couldn't hold back.

"I can't keep pretending, Adriana," I continued, my voice carrying the weight of my emotions. "I can't stay in this limbo. I love you, damn it, and if you can't reciprocate those feelings, we can't just be friends like nothing's happened."

She tried to speak, her eyes pleading, but I couldn't bear to hear her excuses or explanations. Instead, I delivered the line that I knew I'd regret tomorrow, but at that moment, I couldn't care less.

"Right now, I don't want to see you."

And with that, I turned on my heel and stormed away, not bothering to let her respond. The turmoil of my emotions had taken over, and I needed to escape the source of my pain.

I was still seething with anger when Veronica entered my room. She approached me and gently wrapped her arms around me, offering a comforting hug. "Luca, everything will be okay. Adriana didn't mean to hurt you. She just needs some time."

I let out a heavy sigh, my anger slowly giving way to a sense of regret. "Veronica, I know I messed up. But it hurts, you know? I can't stand the thought of losing her."

Veronica held me a bit tighter, her voice soft and soothing. "I understand, Luca. But remember, you hurt her too. She's hurt and confused. It's going to take time for both of you to work things out."

I cursed under my breath, realizing how my actions had driven her to tears. "I made her cry, Veronica."

She nodded, her voice filled with sympathy. "Yes, you did. But now is the time to give her some space to sort out her feelings. She left to go to her penthouse to give you some time as well."

My anger started to bubble up again, the feeling of helplessness overtaking me. "No, I can't just sit here and wait. I need to fix this."

Veronica gently pulled away from the hug, her eyes filled with understanding. "Luca, sometimes giving someone space is the best way to fix things. Trust me, it'll work out."

I slumped into a chair, still feeling a mix of anger and sorrow. Veronica's words made sense, but it was hard to accept that I had to wait, that I couldn't fix everything immediately.

As she left my room, I was left alone with my turbulent emotions, unsure of how to bridge the gap that had formed between Adriana and me.

Unable to sleep, I found myself wandering through my mansion late at night. The weight of my emotions was unbearable, and I needed something to numb the pain.

I ended up in the kitchen, my gaze landing on the stool where Adriana had sat for the last time. A sense of déjà vu washed over me, as if I were reliving that moment when we had our heated argument.

My hand reached for a bottle of whiskey, but before I could pour a drink, Clara appeared out of nowhere and stopped me. I despised her interference at that moment, but she wouldn't budge.

"Luca," Clara said, her voice soft yet firm, "drinking won't solve anything. You need to clear your head and think about how to make things right."

I glared at her, my frustration evident. "Clara, I don't need your advice right now. I can't handle this."

She crossed her arms and met my gaze unflinchingly. "You're not helping yourself by drowning your sorrows in alcohol. If you want Adriana back, you have to think clearly."

My anger surged as I thought about Adriana. I couldn't stand the thought of her walking away from me, but Clara was right. I needed to find a way to fix things and make amends.

Clara continued, her tone more sympathetic this time. "Luca, I know you care about her. You need to give her the space she asked for and work on rebuilding her trust. She's not gone forever, but you have to be patient."

I grumbled in frustration but ultimately put the whiskey bottle down. Clara was right, as much as I hated to admit it. I needed to find a way to mend the rift between Adriana and me, even if it meant waiting and giving her the space she needed.

As Clara left me alone in the kitchen, I couldn't shake the feeling of helplessness. But deep down, I knew that I had to find a way to make things right with Adriana, no matter how challenging it might be.

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