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I sat in my luxurious office, fidgeting with my phone as I dialed the familiar numbers of my parents' home in Italy

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

I sat in my luxurious office, fidgeting with my phone as I dialed the familiar numbers of my parents' home in Italy. The anticipation built up as the call connected, and soon enough, my mother's warm voice filled the line.

"Mamma, Papa! How's everything in Bella Italia?" I greeted, attempting to sound casual despite the swirling excitement within me.

"Luca! It's been too long since we heard from you. How's life treating our charming son?" My mother's voice carried a mixture of love and curiosity.

"Well, buckle up, Mamma. I've got some news that will make you grab the nearest glass of wine," I teased, a mischievous smile playing on my lips.

My father's deep chuckle resonated through the line. "You always know how to keep us on our toes, Luca. What's this exciting news?"

I took a deep breath, my excitement bubbling over. "Adriana and I are expecting! There's going to be a little Romano running around."

Silence followed, and then my mother's voice, filled with emotion, broke through. "Oh, Luca! That's the most wonderful news. Congratulations! We're going to be nonni!"

My father's excitement joined the chorus. "A grandchild! That's incredible news, Luca. We couldn't be happier for you both."

As we shared the joyous moment, my mother couldn't resist asking, "So, when's the wedding?"

I nearly choked on my own surprise. "Wait, what? Wedding? Mamma, we haven't even thought about that."

She chuckled. "Luca, mio figlio, a baby is a blessing, and so is a wedding. It's time you make an honest woman out of Adriana. We want a proper Romano wedding."

I couldn't help but laugh. "Mamma, Papa, let's not get ahead of ourselves. We're still wrapping our heads around parenthood."

But my parents were having none of it. "Luca, you've always been a charmer, but it's time to be a responsible husband and father. Plan the wedding, son!"

As the conversation continued, my mind raced with thoughts of wedding bells and diapers. The Romano legacy was taking a new turn, and whether I was ready or not, it seemed my parents had just given me a new mission—navigate the chaotic yet thrilling world of marriage and parenthood.

I glanced up from my desk, my thoughts of wedding bells and parenthood momentarily interrupted as Adriana entered the room, her hands protectively cradling her belly. Concern immediately etched across my face as I stood up, ready to offer whatever support she needed.

"Adriana, what's wrong?" I asked, my voice laced with worry.

She pouted, looking both adorable and slightly troubled. "My belly hurts, Luca. It's been bothering me all day."

My protective instincts kicked in as I approached her, gently placing a hand on her shoulder. "Do you want me to call the doctor? Maybe we should get you checked out."

She shook her head, a small smile breaking through her discomfort. "No need to panic, Luca. I think it's just a little indigestion or something."

I nodded, my concern not fully abating. "Well, you should sit down and relax. Maybe a cup of peppermint tea would help. I'll have Maria prepare it for you."

Adriana rolled her eyes playfully. "You're turning into quite the worried dad-to-be, aren't you?"

I chuckled, rubbing the back of my neck. "Can you blame me? We're embarking on this journey together, and I want everything to be perfect for you and the baby."

She sighed, her hand resting on her belly once again. "You're sweet, Luca. But I promise, I just need a little rest."

As she settled into a chair, I couldn't help but feel a surge of tenderness. My mind shifted from wedding plans to the more immediate concern of taking care of Adriana during this precious time. Parenthood was turning out to be a rollercoaster of emotions and unexpected moments, but I was ready to face it all with her by my side.

After making sure Adriana was comfortably settled in bed, I decided to check in on Mateo, knowing that he and Veronica were navigating the joys and challenges of impending parenthood as well.

Entering the living room, I found Mateo sitting on the couch, surrounded by pamphlets on parenting and a slightly overwhelmed expression.

"Hey, Mateo. How's everything going?" I greeted, taking a seat beside him.

He ran a hand through his hair, a mixture of excitement and nervousness in his eyes. "Luca, man, it's a whole new world. I never thought choosing a stroller could be this complicated."

I chuckled, understanding the sentiment. "Welcome to the world of parenting, my friend. It's a wild ride."

He sighed. "Veronica's upstairs reading some pregnancy book. She's already got this whole list of names, and she's asking me to pick."

I smirked, remembering the earlier debate with Adriana about potential names. "Ah, the name game. That can be quite the adventure. Any favorites so far?"

Mateo scratched his head, looking a bit lost. "I don't know, man. Veronica's suggesting some really unique ones. I'm just trying to keep up."

We shared a moment of camaraderie, both of us navigating the uncharted waters of impending fatherhood.

"I'm sure whatever name you choose, it'll be perfect," I reassured him.

Mateo chuckled. "Thanks, Luca. And congratulations, by the way. Looks like we're all in this together."

As we continued to discuss the ups and downs of pregnancy and parenthood, I couldn't help but feel a sense of solidarity. Whether it was picking out baby gear or deciding on names, our shared experiences made this journey even more special. Parenthood, it seemed, was uniting our little circle in unexpected and heartwarming ways.

Entering the bedroom, I found Adriana engrossed in one of her favorite telenovelas, the drama unfolding on the screen mirroring the vibrant emotions playing across her expressive face.

"You're still up, amor?" I grinned, joining her on the bed.

She nodded, her eyes not leaving the screen. "This is the best part! You wouldn't believe the twists in this story."

As the melodrama continued, I couldn't help but think about our own unfolding narrative—the upcoming addition to our lives and the uncharted territory of parenthood.

"Luca, have you ever thought about how you'd propose to me?" she asked suddenly, tearing her gaze away from the TV to look at me.

Caught off guard, I chuckled nervously. "Well, I... uh, haven't really thought about it."

Adriana raised an eyebrow, her playful smile revealing that she might have expected a more elaborate answer. "Really? A man with your charm and creativity?"

I sighed dramatically. "Alright, alright. Maybe I've considered a few ideas."

She turned off the TV, giving me her full attention. "Tell me!"

I leaned in, a mischievous glint in my eyes. "Let's just say, I want it to be as unforgettable as our favorite telenovela plot twists."

Adriana rolled her eyes but couldn't hide a subtle blush. "You and your surprises. I hope it involves a romantic setting and maybe a touch of grandeur."

I laughed. "You know me too well."

As the night progressed, we shared whispered conversations about potential proposal scenarios, our laughter mingling with the imagined scenes playing in our minds. Little did she know that amidst the shared dreams of our future, a secret plan was slowly taking shape—one that involved a proposal as unforgettable as the love we shared.

𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐒𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐎𝐍¹ ✔Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ