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Oh, mio dio, it was one of those days where you just knew drama was lurking around the corner

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Oh, mio dio, it was one of those days where you just knew drama was lurking around the corner. I scoured the lavish halls of Adriana's mansion, on a mission to find her and spill the latest tea. But alas, the fabulous queen herself was nowhere to be found.

"Clara, bella, where's our elusive prima donna?" I questioned, my eyes scanning the opulent surroundings.

Clara, the resident partner-in-crime, responded with a casual shrug. "Who knows, maybe plotting world domination or indulging in an intense staring contest with her shoe collection."

I leaned in, narrowing my eyes. "Spill the caffè, Clara. I need the deets on Adriana's whereabouts."

As Clara prepared to drop some gossip bombs, I decided to sprinkle a little drama of my own. "You know what, amica? I missed my period," I declared, watching her reaction with theatrical anticipation.

Clara gasped, a hand instinctively touching her belly as if my announcement had already affected her. "Veronica, are you serious?"

I couldn't help but chuckle at her dramatic response. "Oh, please, darling. I'm just pulling your Gucci-clad leg. But seriously, where is Adriana? The suspense is killing me."

Little did I know, this day of high-stakes gossip would take an unexpected turn.

And just like a plot twist in a telenovela, in walked Adriana and Luca, hand in hand, looking all adorable and coupley. I couldn't resist being the nosy sidekick I was born to be, and of course, Clara joined the gossip party.

"Spill the Versace, you two! What's the deal?" I exclaimed, my eyes bouncing between the intertwined fingers of the newly united couple.

Adriana shot us a sly smile, and Luca, ever the charming Italian stallion, added a wink for dramatic effect. "Well, ladies, it seems love couldn't resist our undeniable charm. We're back in business."

Clara, ever the one to dive deep into the drama pool, gasped dramatically. "Back together? Oh, this is better than a soap opera plot twist!"

I couldn't contain my excitement. "Details, please! What brought this epic reunion about? Did someone steal a horse and ride through the rain to profess their love?"

Adriana chuckled, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Not a horse, but there were lights, a Pandora box, and Luca on one knee."

I exchanged a glance with Clara, and we both let out simultaneous, "Awww!" Because, let's be honest, nothing beats a good romantic comeback.

Later that evening, in the sanctum of girl talk, I dropped a bombshell that even I didn't see coming. "Ladies, I've been getting hit by a major case of baby fever lately. I've been dropping hints for Mateo, but his oblivious self is yet to catch on. Do you think I'd be a good mother?"

Clara's eyes widened, a look of genuine surprise on her face. "Baby fever, Veronica? I thought your only maternal instincts were reserved for designer handbags."

I waved off her comment with a smirk. "Well, darling, even the fiercest fashionistas can catch the baby bug. So, what do we think? Am I ready to swap stilettos for baby booties?"

Adriana chimed in with a reassuring smile. "Veronica, you'd make a fabulous mother. I can already imagine playdates with little fashionistas in the trendiest baby outfits."

I beamed at her response. "See, Clara? Adriana's got the vision. Now, let's just hope Mateo gets on board with my master plan."

And so, the night continued with laughter, discussions about potential baby names (because why not?), and the unanimous agreement that I could totally rock the mom life.

The next day, armed with newfound confidence from the girls' encouragement, I decided to confront Mateo about my unexpected baby fever. I found him in the kitchen, scrolling through his phone, blissfully unaware of the conversation about to unfold.

"Hey, Téo," I began, my tone casual as I leaned against the counter. "I've been thinking... what if we took our relationship to the next level?"

He looked up from his phone, curiosity dancing in his eyes. "Next level? You want to move in together or something?"

I rolled my eyes, a playful smirk on my lips. "No, Mateo. I'm talking about the pitter-patter of little feet, baby. What if we started a family?"

His eyes widened, a mixture of surprise and excitement. "Baby? Like, a little us running around?"

I nodded, a mischievous glint in my eyes. "Exactly. Think about it, mini versions of us causing chaos and filling our lives with joy."

Mateo's face lit up, and without hesitation, he pulled me into a passionate kiss. "Veronica, you just made my day! There'll be a whole lot of baby-making in our future."

And just like that, our conversation took an unexpected turn from baby fever to full-on family planning. As we embraced the idea of a future filled with little fashion-forward additions to our lives, I couldn't help but be grateful for the unpredictable twists that love and life had in store.

Later that night, with the post-baby-making glow still lingering, Mateo and I found ourselves in bed, contemplating the potential addition to our stylish lives. As we lay side by side, I decided to take matters into my own hands – or, more accurately, my feet.

Flipping upside down, I propped my legs against the headboard, giving gravity a helping hand in ensuring that any potential swimmers had a clear path to their destination. Mateo raised an eyebrow, a smirk playing on his lips.

"What on earth are you doing, Veronica?"

I flashed him a mischievous grin. "Just maximizing our chances, Téo. I read somewhere that this ups the odds of catching an egg. Gotta be strategic about these things, you know?"

He burst into laughter, clearly amused by my unconventional approach to baby-making. "You're a walking, talking fertility experiment, Vero. I love it."

Teasingly, he leaned over and planted a playful kiss on my forehead. As we settled into the post-baby-making bliss, I couldn't help but marvel at the unpredictable journey life had taken us on – from fashionistas to potential parents, one stylish step at a time.

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