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As the door closed behind the departing figures of the girls, it hit me like a ton of bricks – Adriana had just broken up with me

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As the door closed behind the departing figures of the girls, it hit me like a ton of bricks – Adriana had just broken up with me. I stared at the ring in my hand, its glint mocking me in the dimly lit room. My gaze shifted to Mateo, who wore the expression of someone who had just lost something irreplaceable, and Ricardo, whose usual charm seemed to have deserted him.

"Mamma mia," I muttered under my breath, a mix of shock and disbelief settling in. The room felt emptier, the laughter that once echoed now replaced by an uncomfortable silence.

Mateo sat there, his eyes glazed over, lost in the ruins of a relationship that had spanned four years. I tried to conjure up some words of comfort, but what do you say when you're grappling with your own heartbreak? It was a mess, a tangled web of emotions that even an Italian opera couldn't capture adequately.

Ricardo, always the suave one, looked equally affected. His usual confidence had taken a hit, and for a moment, we were just three guys, sitting in a room, dealing with the aftermath of our own misjudgments.

Mia, sensing the need for some breathing space, made a tactful exit. Smart move, I thought, considering the charged atmosphere. I glanced at Mateo, attempting a forced smile. "Well, fratello, we've found ourselves in a bit of a pickle, haven't we?"

He nodded, a half-hearted attempt at a smile playing on his lips. "Yeah, Luca. It's a mess."

Ricardo, ever the resilient one, chimed in, "Well, who needs relationships anyway? We're strong, independent men who don't need—"

Mateo shot him a look that could have frozen lava. "Cut the crap, Ric. This hurts."

And there it was – the raw honesty. We sat in that room, not as invincible men, but as individuals grappling with the reality of our choices. The breakup had unraveled something we thought was unbreakable.

In the midst of the awkward silence, I couldn't help but wonder how we ended up here. Life had played a cruel joke, turning what was meant to be a fun evening into a tragic comedy.

I sighed, the weight of the situation sinking in. "Well, ragazzi, I suppose we'll have to figure out how to navigate this mess. But first, I need a strong espresso to wrap my head around it all." 

I downed the espresso, hoping the burst of caffeine would give me the courage to face what lay ahead. The three of us split up, each heading towards the homes of our now ex-girlfriends, hoping to salvage what was left of the wreckage.

I found myself standing in front of Adriana's imposing mansion, the door towering above me like a gate to both heaven and hell. With a deep breath, I pressed the doorbell, the chime echoing through the grand entrance.

It felt like an eternity, but finally, the door creaked open. Adriana stood there, a vision of beauty tainted by traces of tears. The sight of her hit me like a ton of bricks, a cruel reminder of what I had just lost.

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