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Later that day, after a riveting round of billiards in the man cave, I strolled into my office, expecting some peace and solitude

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Later that day, after a riveting round of billiards in the man cave, I strolled into my office, expecting some peace and solitude. Lo and behold, there she was—Adriana, perched behind my laptop as if she owned the joint. I raised an eyebrow, ready to unleash a snarky remark.

"What are you doing, Bella?" I questioned, trying to sound stern but failing miserably.

"Nothing," she mumbled, her gaze fixated on the screen.

I shook my head, both amused and annoyed. "Get up, troublemaker."

She complied, gracefully rising from the chair, only to surprise me by plopping down on my lap as soon as I took my seat. Smooth move, Souza. I couldn't help but chuckle at her audacity.

"So, what has the infamous Luca Bravado working so diligently on?" she teased, her eyes dancing with mischief.

I glanced at the screen, expecting some elaborate scheme or secret business plans, but to my amusement, she was browsing Pandora rings. A smirk crept onto my face as I caught her in the act.

"Planning to steal my credit card, are you?" I joked, wrapping my arms around her.

She looked up at me with those playful eyes. "Maybe just a little."

I chuckled, enjoying the banter. "Alright then, Bella, which one caught your eye?"

Her finger scrolled through the selection, and I couldn't help but admire the spark in her eyes. "This one," she said, pointing to a dazzling ring.

I leaned in, my lips close to her ear, adopting my smoothest Italian nickname. "Mi amore, you can have anything you want."

We continued scrolling through rings, the atmosphere in my office shifting from business to pleasure. As we laughed and picked out jewelry together, I realized that even the most unexpected interruptions could turn into delightful moments with her by my side. 

As we exited the jewelry store, her new ring twinkling like a star on her finger, she turned into a whirlwind of joy, squealing and kissing me like she just won the lottery. I played along, reveling in the moment. After all, a happy Adriana was a sight to behold.

Outside, under the sun's warm embrace, she declared her newfound craving for boba tea. "Boba what now?" I asked, genuinely baffled. Her laughter was my only answer as she led the way to a small boba shop.

Staring at the rainbow of options, I felt like a fish out of water. "So, which one do you want?" I inquired, scrutinizing the colorful menu.

Her eyes sparkled as she pointed excitedly, "That one!"

Ordering the mysterious concoction, we settled into an awkward silence, only broken by the rhythmic thud of my heartbeat when the cashier handed over the drink. I had no idea what I was getting into.

With a mischievous grin, she handed me the straw. "You have to try it!"

Taking a cautious sip, my face contorted into a mix of confusion and disgust. "Bella, what is this? Liquid weirdness?"

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