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Later that day, the doorbell rang, and Mateo eagerly rushed to answer it

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Later that day, the doorbell rang, and Mateo eagerly rushed to answer it. I couldn't help but wonder who could be at the door, but when he opened it, my eyes were met with the sight of an absolute mess—this blonde bimbo who looked like she walked straight out of a bad '90s sitcom.

Clara, always straightforward, muttered, "Who the heck is that?"

Veronica chimed in, "She's ugly."

I couldn't resist adding my two cents, "And she looks slutty."

Ricardo, with a sigh, explained, "That's Mia, our childhood best friend."

My girls and I exchanged dubious glances. Childhood best friend? Really?

The boys, on the other hand, were all over her like bees to honey. Ew. 

Despite our frustration, Mia's presence was a divisive force among the boys. As they argued over who could sit next to her during dinner, I couldn't help but roll my eyes at the absurdity of the situation.

Clara, visibly seething, muttered, "I can't believe Ricardo is falling for this."

Veronica chimed in, "Mateo too. What happened to their loyalty?"

"I know, right?" I sighed. "And Luca, we were so cozy in the jacuzzi, and now he's acting like I'm invisible."

As they settled around the dinner table, the boys' attention remained fixed on Mia, leaving the rest of us feeling like mere accessories in the background. It was utterly irritating.

Clara clenched her fists, ready to unleash her frustration on Mia. "I swear if she says one more thing..."

Veronica and I exchanged glances, silently urging Clara to keep her cool. We needed to navigate this situation with finesse.

The dinner unfolded with the boys vying for Mia's attention, oblivious to the tension brewing among us. Mia reveled in the chaos and the power she seemingly held over them.

As the night wore on, I couldn't shake the feeling that this was just the beginning of Mia's disruptive presence in our lives. Little did she know, the girls were ready to put up a united front against her antics.

Mia's declaration hung in the air like a bad perfume, and I couldn't help but exchange incredulous looks with Veronica and Clara. The boys, however, seemed enchanted by the spell of nostalgia she had cast upon them.

Veronica, regaining her composure, shot Mia a skeptical glance. "First love, huh?" she quipped, her tone laced with sarcasm.

Clara, never one to hold back, chimed in, "You must have a knack for making a lasting impression."

Mia, unfazed by our subtle jabs, continued her monologue. "Oh, Luca, do you remember that time we went to the carnival, and you won that giant stuffed bear for me?"

Luca nodded, a distant look in his eyes. I exchanged a glance with the girls – it seemed like Mia was fishing for sympathy with a tale straight out of a cliché romance novel.

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