Midnight Walk on the Beach

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Callie looked out to the large expansion of black water under the crescent moon sky. The pale sea foam played at her bare toes as the wind from the ocean tugged at her long blue satin night gown with thin straps and rose knit shawl that hung about her shoulders. Her curls were short, naturally lighter than the rich earth brown color she had before, played about her face. Just long enough to pull back in small clips at the crown on her head, to keep it from her ever-changing green eyes.

One whole year now she had been cancer free. Eighteen months since her divorce from her husband who tried to take her ancestorial home from her was finalized. Callie was finally able to breath and focus on what really matter to her now. A healthier, happier life.

Turning from the ocean, the one entity that knew all her hopes, dreams, sorrows, and fears, she smiled at the structure before her. Nearly hundred and fifty years old now and survived all the nature's fury, this was her safe haven, and business, her home. The Victorian styled house with the wide wraparound porch, pitched tin roof with the classic turrets and roof towers. There was a small widow's walk from one of the towers. That was her place for solitude when her chaos filled life because too much to stay indoors.

Her eyes lingered on the few items that would be check off the list of what needed to be done to prepare of the hurricane and the summer tourist season. Replaced some rotten wood planks of the porch and boardwalks, fixing the stone bed flower in the front of the house, and other things. And she would not have to do it alone. Her nephew, Arny would be arriving the following day, bringing two of his friends who were willing to brave the island heat to help. In exchange, free room and board and the full run of the private beach and house to make videos and such.

Callie made her way back to the boardwalk that led to the patio of the back of the house. Her hand land of the salt air resistant siding she had the good sense in investing in a few years back. The salesperson thought her mad when she told them that she wanted the color scheme that the house already had. The house had a custom paint job already, mixing the colors to get the perfect tones for the outer walls and trim. It was traditional that the house would be painted to honor the hordes of flowers that covered the ground, where the historic bed and breakfast got its name from. The Gaillardia.

The following day...

Arny's SUV drove over the gravel road that led to his aunt's place. The drive from Miami was long, but it was entertaining. Riding shotgun was Danny who was practically hanging out the window like a dog, making a video of the view of the island and ocean. Pete was enthralled with the landscape, not getting to see this part of the world much in his city life. The only sound with the radio on low.

"So, why couldn't your aunt get anyone on the island to help out. I mean, you said the bed and breakfast brings people in from all over the country." Pete asked, handing Danny a drink after he returned to his seat. Danny chugged the drink for hanging out the window of his best friend's ride was hard to do while holding a camera to get some great shots to use later.

"Around this time, everyone is busy prepping their own places and I haven't seen my aunt since the party she announced she was cancer free." Arny looked in the rearview mirror. Arny had told them to dress and pack for an island trip. Pete understood the assignment with his tank tops and shorts. Danny, not so much with long pants and nearly black everything. Not like Arny could fault him since his own clothes were similar, just a smidge more color. Danny did bring swimwear where Arny would avoid the water at all costs.

"Is that it?" Danny asked, pointing at the large spot of pink against the blue of the water. There was his mother's family house was growing in scale as they drove closer.

"Yep, the Gaillardia. Named from the flowers that grow around it. Now, Aunt Callie does expect us to hold up our end of the bargain and we will. The rest of the family feels like shit since no one has been able to help in the past few years. It was just bad for everyone. Not like she would ask for help. No one ever does. The family crest does have a mule on it." Arny told them as he drove slowly while approaching the odd rise in the dirt road. Musical chimes rang out, signaling their arriving to the home.

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