Tears and Worries

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Later into the night...

The waves seemed a bit bigger as Calle stood on the beach. Her thoughts were about the day and what Danny found in the cabinet. Her heart was still pounding at the thought of Danny accidently drinking it. She would have never forgiven herself if something happened to him because her.

After crying all over Danny's chest, she excused herself, saying that she needed to be alone. She went to her room to laid down. While she did, Danny took the jar and poured the contents down the drain. He knew it was probably servicing as a reminder to how close she was to ending it all, but Danny had to get rid of it for his own peace of mine.

The boys had already left when she woke from her piss poor excuse of a nap. In the quiet, she checked emails and her future bookings. Callie looked at the weather, seeing the tropical storm was steer closer to the house now and grew stronger. She called her sister, telling her about the change in the weather.

"I have been following it like I always do." Her sister said, noting a change in her younger sibling's voice. "It sounds like you have been crying, hard. What happen?' She asked Callie.

Callie sighed, always telling her sister the truth. "Danny found a jar in the cabinet that I put in there a while ago. It was...distilled oleander. Him finding it and asking me why. I just broke down. Everything I had been pushing down just bubbled up. I cried and Danny held me." Callie told her.

"Distilled oleander...Calliope, why didn't you tell me you were thinking about killing yourself?" She cried over the phone.

"You were going through hell with your husband and dealing with Richard's b.s. I did not want to add to your burden." Callie softly spoke.

"Calliope Marie Dees, you are not a burden, you are my sister. You have been there for me. Let me or someone be there for you." Her sister huffed. "You said, Danny held you. Thank goodness he was there."

"Sis, there...I don't know. Maybe it is just because he is here, and he is like he is. Seriously, why isn't that boy snatched up already." Callie sighed, playing with a pen as she spoke. "I have only known him for 24 hours and I can see what a treasure he is."

"I don't know either. Danny is young, but he wants the real thing. Something that will have a solid foundation to build from. Like the Gaillardia. Remember the story how it took six months to get the foundation set right. To stand all what Mother Nature has. That is the kind of relationship he is looking for. Something strong that will stand the test of time and weather." Her sister explained.

"He deserves that." Callie stated, more to herself than to her sister. They talked for a bit longer before hanging up. Callie went and tidied up the kitchen and went outside to inspect the work the boys did. The place where they fix the flower bed was prefect, she could barely tell where the fix was. The paint on the new boards was dry and looked ready to be walked on again.

Since the storm will cause issues, she moved all the potted plants inside the parlor of the house. The large windchimes would be laid in the deck box that was bolted down. Callie was doing little odd and end things to keep her mind busy. She found herself standing at her oleander plant. The two plants had twisted into one large unit years ago, making a beautiful arrangement of white and pink blossom. Her fingers ghosted a petal, knowing the oils even from touching it would make one sick.

"I am sorry old friend for plucking your leaves. I was weak and afraid that..."

The sound of the back door opening pulled Callie from her thoughts. She did not turn around at the sound of the footsteps on the boardwalk. She already knew who it was. Callie had a knack for telling people by their footfall. Perks of living in an old house.

"Can't sleep again." Danny asked, standing next to her. He was wearing his sleep clothes from the night before. Since the boys dressed up to go out, his cologne still clung to his skin. The wind was tousling his hair about.

"The storm has shifted, heading towards the island more. It is fast, so I am hoping it losing some of the strength overnight but could still cause problems." Callie wrapped her shawl around her tighter. She optioned for her blue nightgown, the long one that covered her body. She had a feeling she would not be alone in her walk tonight.

"Arny said that after a hurricane would come through here, they would watch the news to look for the signal smoke?" Danny asked as the two started to make their walk down the sand.

"A tradition started after the completion of the house. It was a way to signal to the rest of the island that there was a safe place they could stay as they rebuilt their homes. A helpful guide to the souls lost in the hurricane to find Heaven. The local news channels learned of the practice and make it a point to check and filmed the signal smoke after a storm. It was Arny's mom who had the idea to added colored smoke bombs when we were kids." Callie told him the tale of her family. "A lot of the islanders tell me that the smoke gives them a sense of security, knowing whatever its weathered, that it will pass."

"Don't take this the wrong way, but I hope I don't have to see the smoke any time soon." Danny laughed as they walked. Callie heard the tiny uneasiness of his words. He was worried, so was she. She knew that he lived more inland all his life. Experiencing a hurricane was probably not on his bucket list.

"I hope I don't have to lit the fire. If I do, I will let you toss in the smoke bombs." Callie looked to the waves. "I lit a fire the day I was able to ring the bell at the hospital. It was great to hear the bell ring for me, but seeing the smoke going into the sky, it meant more." Callie looked back at him.

"Arny called me that day. He was so happy. Made me happy too. You are like a second mom to him, just cooler in some ways." Danny moved closer to her. "I am glad that I get to know you too."

"I am not cool, just vintage now." She smiled at him. They walked along, their hands brushing against the other's. Callie wanted to hook her fingers into his, feeling the strength in them like she did when he was hugging her in the kitchen. Danny wanted to grasp her hand, pull her into his arms. Neither of them attempted to for they were unsure of the other's reaction. Together, they walked while the waves crashed at their feet. 

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