Passing of the Tide

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Four years later...

Danny stood in the water to his knees, watching the ocean move and swell. In his hands was a small wood box. Tears were welled up in his eyes as he opened the lid. The light wind around him was already picking up traces of the ashes inside. Danny reached his arm back, holding onto the box tight. He slung his arm forward, causing the ashes to arch out while they spilled into the ocean. The last request of the love of his life, his wife, Callie to have her ashes tossed into the ocean.

Danny watched as the sunlight shimmer over the water, making her remains look like stars. He stood there until he could no longer see her drift in the waves. Danny still out in the water, not wanting to leave. Out of everything he had to endure losing Callie, letting her go completely was the hardest.

A hand touched Danny's shoulder. Arny was there for his best friend, helping him through the toughest moment of his life. Danny twisted, grabbing Arny out of desperation. The tears broke while Arny held Danny as he mourned over Callie.

"We only had five years." Danny whimpered into Arny's t-shirt. Arny stood there, rubbing Danny's back. Five years of laughter, fun, and passion. Five years of learning, growing, and understanding. Just five years together, and every moment was cherished greatly.

Callie's cancer came back with a vengeance. This time, it is rapid and had spread through her body before it was detected on her yearly blood work. From the detection to her death was less than six weeks. Six weeks of crying, cursing Gods, and bargaining for more time on Danny's part when he would be away from her, so she did not hear him. Six weeks of getting arrangements ready and writing out her will. Just six weeks to say goodbye and it still was not enough time to say everything to each other.

Arny and Danny walked out of the water together to where the family was standing on the beach near the fire pit. Penny was holding Arny and her six-month-old daughter, Calliope Danielle. Arny's mother was weeping quietly over her little sister's passing. When Danny came up to her, she wrapped her arms around him, holding him tight.

Danny pulled away, wiping his face. She patted his cheek, telling him that it was okay. He nodded and made his way to the lit torch. Taking a breath, Danny laid the flame to the dry wood, waiting for the lighter fluid to take. Fire roared up, igniting the smoke bombs that had been place inside. Stepping back, they all followed the smoke into the sky, helping guide Callie to the next realm.

Danny's hand went to the chain around his neck. Her wedding bands had been there since the day of her passing. He was the one who took the rings off and place them on the chain. Callie passed away in the house, not waiting to be in a sterile hospital room far from the sea. Danny made her wish happen. He was there at the moment of her death, holding her hand and telling her that he loves her so much.

"The storm will clear, and my love will find you again." Callie whispered at him with her last breath. He cried, not begging her to stay for she was in so much pain. Just mourning for the years, they would not have together. He cried.

"Danny, it is getting late. You need to eat." Arny pulled Danny from his thoughts. The two friends were in the kitchen. The house seemed empty for there were no guests. After Callie got sicked, Danny had to shut the bed and breakfast down. He wanted to solely focus on Callie during that time.

"I'm not...maybe I should." Danny mused, going to the fridge. There was still food from the funeral and where people from the town bought over to help him out. Just nothing seemed to make him want to eat. He closed it and turned back to Arny. "I am going back to Colorado. A cousin is going to take over the Gaillardia. I can't stay here, Arny." Danny hung his head. Arny went to him and hugged him.

"I know. It will be okay." Arny told him. Danny finally ate some crackers and lunch meat. Going into the bedroom, he saw that Callie's things had been packed in boxes for him. Arny's mother knew what was to go to the good will and other family members. Her wedding dress, Danny was keeping along with the rose shawl.

"Why don't we finish in the morning, sweets?" She asked, laying her hand on his arm.

"You all go to bed. I can't sleep now." Danny whisper, kissing his sister-in-law on the cheek. She nodded, leaving him there. Danny looked around the room. Five years together, just a year of wedded bliss all in a several cardboard boxes. He sat down on the bed and patted Uki on the head. Poor pup was just as lost as Danny was without Callie.

The next morning, the moving truck was loaded up with Callie and Danny's life together. All the furniture and most of the kitchen items stayed for they were with the bed and breakfast. Danny would not need a lot anyways. The apartment he got was just enough for him and Uki. Taking one final look at the place he had called home, Danny picked a gaillardia flower and placed in a notebook to press later. After placing Uki in her seat, Danny started the engine. Arny, Penny, and Arny's mother was standing on the front steps. The baby was doing the backward wave at her uncle. Danny waved back and started down the road. The chime of the bells sent a shiver up his spine, remember the first time he heard that sound. The first time he saw the pink spot against the blue of the water. The first time he saw Callie.

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