Just a chance

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Outside in the night... 

Callie was back at the beach, letting the sea foam play with her toes. Again, her thoughts were troubled. Could she consciously pursue a relationship with Danny? What would people say about the age difference? Did she really care what others thought? Would she allowed Danny to get tied down with her? What if her cancer came back?

She walked along the sand, this time carrying a hanging lantern in her hand to see her way like the lost ghost in a local tale. The moon was fuller, but the cloud cover block most of her shine. She tugged the shawl that was falling off her shoulders. The wind was still blowing, lifting the skirt about her thighs since she was wearing a short nightgown. Without the air condition running, it was hot in her room so she optioned for a shorter gown for bed.

The island was dark, just the hum of generator mixed with the sounds of the insects filling the night. She walked, trying to fight the thoughts that were blacker than what surrounded her. Finally, she stopped and looked up to the stars. Tears ran down her face, thinking how she was condemning Danny to too much uncertainty. She was not shame of what they share, a few kisses and wanting for more. Yet, she could not allow for it to become more.

Danny saw her light through his window and he decided to follow. Dressed in just his sleeping pant due to the heat, he made his way, being led by the light. His approach was silent as the sand padded his steps. He stopped when she did. Over the light wind, he could hear her crying, telling herself out loud that she was not enough for him. If her cancer came back, she would be nothing but a burden.

Danny closed the gap between them and turned her to him. She gasped, nearly swinging the lantern at his head. Danny was able to catch it in time before it could smash into his skull. Callie could see his eyes were dark and had intensity to them. He let go of her arm to wrap his about her waist, pulling her to his bare chest. Callie's free hand laid over his heart, feeling that it was pounding like hers.

"Please, just a chance. Give us just a chance. That is all we need." Danny's voice was small, pleading with Callie. He brushed his fingers over her cheek. "That is all."

Like the moment right before he kissed her for the first time, fear and worry were swirling in his eyes. This time, it was Callie who took that away, replacing it with joy, hope and desire as she kissed him. Wrapping her arms around his neck, Callie deepen the kiss, having her tongue dance with his. Danny groaned, picking her up from the sand.

"A chance." She whispered to him, brushing his hair from his eyes. They kissed more under the stars before heading back to the house. A few parting ones at the threshold of Callie's bedroom door. Finally, Danny turned to make the journey up the stairs to his own bed.

The next day...

Callie had a warranty on the siding so she was not worry about it getting fixed. She had already called the company to schedule an appointment to have it looked at. There was no major damages to the house, just the broken glass to be replace. The glass had been cleaned up the day of the storm and the jagged pieces pulled from the wooden frame. It was older window with the panes and Callie had pieces from replaced windows that she kept in storage. For the time being, the shutter was keeping out the elements.

The four headed into town to help with the clean-up efforts there. Penny and the coffee shop were supplying free coffee and breakfast items to assist. Arny made it a point to say hi to Penny and chat for a bit while he was out in town. Callie would smile when she would see Arny head in that direction. Even from the distance, she could tell that Penny's face would lit up every time.

Fallen trees were cut up to use for firepits and warming houses when it did get cold in the weather. The power was allotted to be restored the following day. The guys helped with the cutting and piling of wood. Some of the younger people recognized the guys, and asked why they were helping out.

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