Only People in the World

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Danny was cutting onion and mushrooms for the homemade spaghetti sauce while Callie was making fresh noodles. When Danny entered the kitchen, he asked how he could help. She nodded to the cutting board where the items were ready to be chopped. Danny started to cut, saying something about Arny's allergies to glutton.

"It was when Arny was diagnosed with Celiac disease, I figure out what was wrong with me. Years of torment were finally justified. Now, I make my own bread and pasta from other sources. The noodles are squash based." She showed him the dough that she had made. "Found a pasta maker at the local thrift shop and ta da." She showed him how it made the ribbons. Danny gave it a try, saying he might have to invest in one of those for his cooking show. Danny returned to the cutting boards and went back at the task at hand. Danny sneaked a glance at Callie, only to catch Callie looking at him. She turned away and was blushing. So was he.

Danny was sauteing some vegetables for the side dish when Arny and Pete came down. Arny looked at him and his aunt who was stirring the sauce, next to Danny. She took a small tasting spoon and dip it in the sauce. She placed the tip of her finger in the sauce in the spoon.

"There is something missing." She said after tasting it. Danny gently took her finger and dip it back in the spoon. He bought her finger to his mouth and licked it. Callie's eyes never left his face.

"Hmm, a sprinkle of pepper and a pinch more salt should do." Danny said, getting the spices. After adding, he dipped the spoon in and asked Callie to try it. She did, saying it was better. "Good." Danny licked the spoon.

"Hey." Arny called attention to himself, letting them know they were there because it was obvious that Callie and Danny thought they were alone. Danny turned to Arny, seeing the pointed look in his friend's eyes. Danny told them that dinner was nearly ready, hiding from Arny's heated gaze.

"It smells great." Pete proclaimed, looking up from his phone. "Oh, what is the WIFI password?" He asked.

"Don't have WIFI." Callie told him over her shoulder. She left the stove and moved the tossed salad on the table. She headed to the above cabinet, reaching for the plates. Arny moved to help her with the dishware, commenting that shortness was a curse for the women on his mother's side. "We grow until we are prefect. Can't help for perfection is short." She stuck out her tongue at Arny.

"Short girls are the best. They can kill you or cuddle you. No in-between." Danny smiled at Callie. When Callie looked away, Arny hit him on the arm with a dish towel. Army mouthed the words 'Stop flirting with my aunt', making Danny tell him silently that he not meaning to, but it is just happening.

"Are you serious?" Pete whined, all the color from his face drained. He looked back at Arny and Danny. "How are we going to upload our videos and keep it touch with people? That coffee shop in town has WIFI, right?"

Arny looked back at his aunt. "What is the password before Pete falls out?" He asked politely.

"Don't have WIFI. All lowercase and one word." Callie smiled at Pete. She loved playing that joke on people. "Arny about cried when I told him the first time he visited after I had it installed."

"You two are family." Pete sighed in relief.

"Naughty." Danny made a comment, biting his lip to keep from saying 'girl'.

"Always." Callie retorted back, trying to keep the pink from her cheek. Arny rolled his eyes and asked if it was time to eat so they could get a start to see what needs to be done. Danny and Callie fought a smile and gathered the items for the dinner. Arny made it a point to set between Callie and Danny. The conversations were light and fun.

With dinner ate and the dished washed, Callie showed them the places that needed the most attention. She already had to lumber to replace the rotting board along with the wood sealer and paint. The flower bed stones that broke off from an unfortunate accident with a keg from a wedding reception she hosted. The checking of the usable shutters and gathering of driftwood that was litter over the beach. It was not a long list, and the guys would have plenty of free time to ran amuck.

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