Chapter 2: Heart Shaped Glasses

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You stand in a silent household of motion, motionless, like a statue trapped in the stains of time. Four other bodies swarm around you, carrying out their daily lives, leaving for school, or work, coming home and crying because of the bullying, and the siblings being there for eachother. The highs and lows of a normal life, playing out over just a handful hours...but it felt like years.

Until, you crash someone's fourteenth birthday. Hers. The only other one who survived. Your younger self arriving on their doorstep the day of, and they didn't bother to wake her up to remind her. Instead of having a good day playing hooky, playing their new video games, breaking new toys, they instead had to watch their parents cater to a strange new person in their life.

It was tough. And really, your new parents could've handled it better. The favoritism, you being the closest thing to a son that was brought into their home you naturally were their 'big man', despite being much shorter than your siblings.

And you did your best, despite the difference, despite how much they despised you; you fought tooth and nail for them, and you even came out on top most of the top. You proved yourself to them...and just once things were getting okay-

You sister was hospitalized, covered head to toe in bandages, her body forever a twisted reminder of the harshness of the world.

Her fair skin was bleached, turning her into a white horse. And when she came home, hell followed with her.

The scar she left on you burned and burned, as the house around you was set ablaze...You see yourself falling down the stairs and limping out the door. And if it wasn't for that car that just so happened to have almost hit you as you ran out into the were sure you'd be dead. You and your last surviving sister, cut to ribbons like wild and cornered animals.

It burned...and it burned...

You woke up with your head on something soft, accompanied by the steady witch drums of someone's heart beat. You shake your head, trying to free yourself from the dress that was still wrapped around your face...but with how tightly you were held you only managed to burrow yourself deeper into her bosom.

You freeze with an unnatural filling filling your body, a light tingling across your scar, a cooling, welcoming sensation that you could only describe as an austice.

"...Getting stuffy in there?" The killer asks with a chuckle, before pushing your head back to get a good look at your body, "Mmmm...I'd think you're jostled enough!~ Fuck, I can barely find my way out here without being blindfolded," She grips onto the fabric and tugs, quickly undoing her makeshift bag from around your head.

You were sitting in her lap and laying against her body-cradled like the last puppy on Earth. "He's awake now!" She calls out with an impatient tinge, you turn your head and manage to make out the second figure in the dimly lit room.

She had just put the finishing touches on laying paper across a dentist's chair, and adjusted a blue mask on her face...not a medical mask, a dark blue, wooden...or metal? Mask that hugged her entire face, completely void of all features except for two inky black voids over her eyes...You lost yourself staring into the blots, trying to find the bottom...

But there was none.

Her black hair was pulled up into a very quickly made bun, it was obvious that this was done just to keep it away from her...field of view? Though you hesitate to say she has any. She wasn't as tall or big as your old life's sister, but she was certainly toned, and didn't have the air of someone you desired a confrontation with.

"Sit him down," She unzips her jacket and tosses it aside. She was wearing what you could guess was a tee for an emo band. Probably midwest? She was not dressed for dentistry...or any other kind of medical practice outside of the occult.

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