Chapter 7: Don't Chase the Dead

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Chapter 7: Don't Chase the Dead

The moonlight spilled into the doorframe as Jessie creaked open the broken down emergency exit, the alarm had long died...and the lock had been popped long before any one of the familiar faces around you had been here. She reached into her back pocket and pulled out the brightest flashlight you had seen in your entire life to illuminate the massive interior of the shipping terminal.

"Any bums here better poke your head out now or forever hold your peace! Last chance to leave willingly before we lock your asses up!" She barked into the darkness, stepping in now confidently. She stood tall, mimicking a police officer and scanning over the decrepit belts and chutes, looking for the ever slightest movement. Skittering could be heard as an underfed possum bolted from sight the instant her light illuminated the poor creature. She put one hand behind her, gesturing the rest of you in, "Alright if there were any crackfiends hiding in here that would've brought them out."

"What do you got against the unhoused, big sis? Seems a little rude to go bursting in here like that!" Nate slipped in ahead of you, taking you by the shirt and pulling you in behind him...with T following closely...if anyone were to try to get the drop on you through the doorway they had to either get through Jessie and Nate first, or try their chances with Tristi.

"There's two kinds of 'em, those that are homeless by choice, and those that are homeless because they got fucked over by lobbying chronies. It's the ones that are on the streets by choice that scare the fuck out of me," Jessie notes, digging a hand into her pocket and turning back to face you as you pile into the building.

"What's that even mean?" Nate quirked a brow, putting both hands on his hips.

"You ever get into a knife fight with an LSD zombie? Might as well be wrestling a fucking bear, they don't care how many holes you put in 'em, they keep on coming! I swear if we replaced SWAT teams with methmouthed lunatics we'd have zero crime rate," Jessie reasoned, suppressing a chuckle as she did.

"...Oh...that?" Nate blinked, "Well if you think about it, aren't drug addicts also homeless because they were...'fucked over by cronies?'" Nate responded.
"Y-yeah...L-lot of them can't g-get off the stuff because if they go through withdrawals they're...gonna d-die...with no know?" Tristi chimed in.
"Yeah, dope sick people are eaasssyy pickings for other LSD zombies, don't you think?" Nate crossed his arms, smirking smugly, under the assumption that he had beat Jessie in an argument.

"What the hell are you even talking about anymore?" You think out loud, putting a stop to their impromptu infighting.

"Nothing," Jessie shakes her head with an audible growl, "We just got sidetracked bitching at each other like toddlers!" Jessie snapped, yelling at the other two.
"You started it!" Both T and Nate echoed back.

"It doesn't matter who fucking started it!"

"Okay, but I'm going to end it," You take a stand, with a sigh, "Coming in here and arguing in the doorway kinda defeats the purpose of trying to throw off pursuers by making them think we live here don't you think?"

"Hun, I don't know if you noticed, but we don't do anything but argue with each other," Nate giggles, coming up and patting you on the back, "If we aren't pretending to be angry with each other, then you know something is wrong," he flashes his teeth and starts walking in front of Jessie, stretching his back as he wandered, "So where's the bossman's office at? Gonna see if that couch is clean enough for a nappy nap~"

"Find it yourself!" Jessie crossed her arms, stopping in her tracks before the rest of you even began looking for a place to sit down.
"Fine, I will, bitch~!" He snapped playfully, leaving the light cast by Jessie to venture deeper into the abandoned building.

"He's such a diva..." Jessie notes, a softer expression growing across her face. She crosses her arms and idly looks over Tristi and you. Then tension only grew as the silence fell, the unanswered questions starting to surface across the tip of your tongue.

"...We're not seeing her..." Jessi begins, instantly reading your face.
"If she's still alive out there, then I'm going to!" You snap, thinking about Liu,, "Finish the job next time-" The air was instantly robbed from your lungs when the killer's vice grip wrapped around your windpipe and ripped you off of your feet, dangling you off the ground effortlessly.

"Maybe I will." Her glare pierces your skull like a drill.

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