Chapter 4: Killing Strangers/Hunter's Moon Part 1

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"The U.S Justice System keeps a publicly available directory of all sex offenders that have offically been charged in god bless, god's chosen little slab of earth!" You swear you could see the clock hands whirl in the little man's head as he grinned. He sprawled a mess of folders and pages across the floor with a single smack onto the hardwood of the living room, mixed in with his cryptic hard shaded artworks...Artworks depicting gruesome scene after gruesome scene, with long ramblings garnished with X's and O's overlapping each other.

"A lesson taken from an Alaskan Avenger...someone ruined by years of pain brought onto him by not just his family, but by the police that swore their hollow oath to protect him," He slowly lowers himself to a tucked leg squat, gripping a printed page with various hashes and scribblings...a long series of names and addresses, some with their charges handwritten into a margin...others simply blank.

"He took it upon himself to punish those the system could not...he gazed, and he chose...which terrible men made his blood boil the most..." He grips the page gingerly and pushes it into your chest, you reach up from the sitting position on one of the many couches and hesitantly take it...letting it droop a bit, before the person whose lap you've been tossed into reaches over your shoulders and takes it for you.

"Oh stop being so fucking extra you little diva," Jessie shoots with a groan of distaste, "...I can only take so much of that...Jesus, as if I didn't have enough of that from the hoodie cult..." She folds the page in half, prompting a pained eye twitch from the Clock, before shifting it front of your face with one hand. She wraps her free hand around your waist and fixes how you were sitting like you were an awkward puppy, and dangles a single name in front of your face.

"I've been holding onto him for a lazy day...but I think such a treat should be the very first taste this little cherry boy should ever take...How about you go ahead and read this fuckers crime out loud for us, Y?"

Your mouth dries out as you read over the thinly scribbled list of things that they had dug out about this old man, the missing child he was never sentenced for...

You could only grimace at each and every charge, the ones that stuck, that were dropped due to 'legal error'. It was truly a modern wonder that skimming money from a force that can print endlessly is worthy of deporosning, but a barbaric, desperate animal could be left on the streets where children once played.

What they were proposing was something a sane man would like to commit, at least in the confines of their psyche, if not in the actual physical existence of the planet. Perhaps the only common ground you and your adopted sister could have reached in the last decade.

"What the fuck?" Was the only thing you could let out of your mouth after letting who he was sink in.

"And he can't even walk...I've come by and checked the place out myself, I don't know if it's his age, or some gang rolled up on him in his cell after they pulled his paperwork...But he is a literal sitting duck now!" She purred, a different kind of purr, not the decadent ecstasy you had heard from her coo's addressing you, but a sinister growl of a tiger who has seen its prey a thousand times without ever being seen once by its quarry. She drops the page, placing a handle of something into your hand, "So what do you say? Just take one ugly bastard off the streets, and you get to be my guest forever..."

You look down at the hefty bayonet placed into your possession, a rugged blade, which had been sharpened a thousand times over...The blood long washed away, though still soaked into her hands, "...I don't know..." The thought runs over your mind, with the assets and expertise of these career killers who have gone for this long without being caught...It felt almost wrong to not pull the trigger on the bastard. But it was hard to stomach even the thought of telling someone it's okay to end another's life, let alone to end it yourself.

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