Chapter 5: Killing Strangers/Hunter's Moon Part 2

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There was something in the old fuck's eyes that told you he knew this was the end, whether or not he wanted this fate you couldn't tell for sure, but if he had any fight left in him it had died long ago. Probably laid to rest deep in his chest after a bad prison fight, or...worse...happening to him. You couldn't feel sorry for the old man for even a second, even as the dread of having to end a life was growing heavier on you by the second. He gave up pretty quickly, being unable to reach anything to defend himself within time, The Killer had easily dumped him out of his wheelchair and onto the floor, smothering his mouth with her heavy, mud covered boot, and spitting venom right down onto the rest of his face.

"This is fucking it, chomo. Whether or not we make this fucking quick is up to how much of a fight you decide to put up, go it diaper sniffer?" Even through the sheer force of her anger, you could feel the pleasure creep up her spine and let out her tongue in another one of her predatory purrs. It was almost contagious, the delicious flavor of her voice on the frontier justice's palette.

His arms sprang in his final token effort to keep himself alive, his instincts getting the better of his better judgment to just let his sins catch up with him. Something primal fired off in the darkest parts of your very being. Seeing even this powerless piece of shit raise his hands at Jessie. You moved like a knife, pouncing like you'd always imagine you would when you had to deal with a monster like this. You caught both of his wrists, easily wrestling the lesser body's strength right out of it and pinning him to the stained carpet beneath him.

The Killer stepped off of him, putting her weight down and helping you restrain him, at some point a pathetic attempt at catching mercy slipped out of the old fuck's mouth. It was something along the lines of 'please' or 'stop', but whatever it was...instantly slipped your mind.

Because it didn't matter.

You were in the water, drenching yourself in the pool of blood, your hands on another man...easily manipulating the meager attempts to claw his way back to life. A life you deserved to take was in your hands, for all the families he had permanently ruined, for the children whose innocence that this worthless piece of shit stole, you had to do this.

The next thing you were sitting away from him...your heart trying its hardest to rip its way out of your chest...bloody hands shaking over a dropped knife. Jessie's Bayonet, stained with the soul of another unfortunate creature.

There was stillness. A silence broken only by your heavy panting.

You didn't even remember when it happened, but in a decisive, brutal, bloody, series of strikes you had left behind nothing but a corpse on the floor. A sickness surfacing just as fast as your passion had burned itself out, you fought tooth and nail to keep the contents of your near empty stomach inside. It felt amazing to overpower him, and that only sickened you more. To force this monster into hell early like society should've much sooner was the most guilty pleasure you had ever experienced.

You put the most happy end to this story that you could possibly muster.

Strong arms scooped you up off of the floor, Jessie's arms...Jessie's arms! Not the killer who had made you live in the shadow of fear for the last decade, the loving embrace of an affectionate, protective woman. She pulled you to your feet and dipped you, her arms holding up your head and back and leaving you hovering in a stable, thrilling sensation of falling but never hitting the floor.

And her lips crashed into yours, your palms coming up and catching onto her that moment enjoying the firmness of her abs through that old hoodie. You let her take you for the first time without any hesitation, an explosive acceptance of her ten year longing for your body. Your eyes fluttered shut, the gesture somewhat calming the guilt...but also drowning you in an ocean of more guilty excitement. Jessie...your romantic lead, and you, her cherished follow.

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