Chapter 8: Call me Little Sunshine

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Chapter 8: Call me Little Sunshine

You felt the warm covers of the old green bedspread wrapped around you, watching the reflection of the ceiling fan of your old family house spinning overhead, reflected in the plastic wrapping you never bothered to remove from the bikini poster Jessie had given you...

You were here was hard to determine the timing this dream was taking place...but regardless the realization hit you with an uncanny feeling of unease. You shivered beneath the blankets, the piercing cold of the ninth layer of Hell baring down onto your heart and nearly freezing you in place. You contemplate just laying there and not doing anything until you woke up, even still, what movement you did muster was stopped by the terrible aching from constant, exaggerated muscle shivers.

Muscle shivers. Aching....

Much like the blanket Liu had given you after spilling an entire pot of coffee onto yours, retaliation was draped over you...but instead of snugness, this sheet of realization only left you feeling exposed.

This was terribly real...Which wasn't unheard of in the dream space, but the dead ringer for reality only grew more intense as you thought about it. Your room was dirty, which was very, very common after impromptu adopted sibling boxing matches, your posters were all in the same place...all the not so subtly provocative 'gifts' Jessie started to give you after you busted her with something of the same nature hidden beneath her bed.

And they were consistent, the books on your shelves, the games on your shelf, normally in a dream, such minor details...even the entire layout of the room changed second by second, as your brain simply discarded details like that, but...these things lingered in the room with you.

You pick yourself out of the bed, sitting up and stretching your back...a wave of terrible cold washing over you as you removed the blankets and dug yourself out of the grave you woke up in. You were dressed in old pajamas, an outfit ill suited to your current plight...

Fuck why was it so god damn cold in here?!

You wrap your arms around yourself and stumble over to your door, pulling it open and pouring out into the upstairs hall, looking left and right at the cold empty shell of your childhood home, completely devoid of life...Which was a first for nightmares like this. relived events over and over...until that day.

You knew you had to leave this place, if your mind was gracious enough to give you the free will to simply walk out the door, you were going to take full advantage and get out of this situation. Hopefully, your two hour long nap would be over soon, and you'd bury this plight deep within the dark recesses of your traumatized mind.

You shambled your way to the stairs, keeping your skin as tight as you could to yourself, and started you way down...only to get flooded with a battering breeze of freezing air and despair. A lump quickly clogged up your throat and your heart dropped into the bottom of your stomach, staring deep into the pit of black that was the bottom of the stairs...a walkway down to hell, a walkway down to where you found...

...You shook your head, doing your best to put that aside, and began creeping down, putting your hand onto the handrail and hearing a snap.

You took your hand back, feeling it still wrapped around something, something that you had snapped off of the railing...

You turned it over in your palms, studying it closely...You had ripped off a piece of the handrail? You blinked, hand starting to get numb from just holding onto was a raw block of ice the more and more you thought of it. You grimaced, dropping it, and watching the handrail piece shatter on the floor...

You decided it was best not to touch anything you didn't have to after that, shivering your way down the colder and colder abyss of black, your eyes quickly starting to adjust to the new light...or maybe your dream was simply getting brighter? It was hard to tell..

Once you reached the bottom the cold wind started to carry a distant, harmonious sound, a light, angelic hymn that pampered your ears that was hard to place. It was vaguely a woman's voice. You couldn't help but stop to take it in, the tune was so familiar, but what it was you couldn't remember...but soon as you started to notice it, it had faded.

You headed straight to the door the moment your feet touched down on the first floor, doing your hardest not to look over your shoulder to the main rooms of the house out of primal unmistakable fear for what you might witness...You grabbed onto the doorknob and twisted it...


You pulled it off, holding it in your hand dumbfounded. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. FUCK!

The door war also made of ice, the unworking mechanisms of the false doorknob mocked you by freezerburning your hand as you held it. You squeezed your fist around it, somehow easily crushing the thick ballg of ice and leaving the smaller pieces melting to water. You threw that same fist out, dropping your weight into it, this time with a mind clear enough to do proper form like your older surrogate family members had showed you...and striking a crater into the door.

You took a step back...hearing, seeing, and feeling the cracks start to spread like a spider's web. It snaked its way out, growing exponentially larger and grew beyond just the door, but to the walls...and then up, down, across the floor you stood on...cracking open like a castle of glass.

And with a final crash, the entire house was sundered, nearly causing you to scream as an impossible amount of ice started to crumble all around you. You threw our arms up, not that it would do you any good if the entire weight of the house fell onto you, and held your eyes tightly shut...

Only to feel nothing but emptiness, the freezing winds suddenly halting, and being replaced by an unending blanket of cold. You stood still a moment, hiding in the darkness of your own eyes...still hoping you were going to awake soon..

"Some say the world will end in fire..."

You heard the voice again, unmistakably the one that was singing before, and now much, much louder, only a few feet behind you..It was familiar, somewhat like Jessie's, but much smoother and slightly more feminine than her guttural contralto growls.

"Some say in ice."

Your eyes open, and you suck in a heavy lungful of freezing air, warming it in your body, before letting out a hot, stressful sigh. It didn't take much for you to realize what was happening, but the why was a question you might wish went unanswered. You take one step and turn, slowly letting the woman's form into your view.

"From what I've tasted of desire..."

She faced away from you, giving you nothing but the view of her long black hair tied up in an unkempt ponytail, running down her back like the darker coattails of her flowing trenchcoat with a deep, forest green trim. She was a head and a half taller than you, about the same height as Jessie, with a familiar black, green patterned scarf wrapped around her neck and draped behind her.

She faced straight ahead at the high flying mass of white rock, a featureless moon, a featureless rock that somehow still instilled the fear of a sharp toothed maw, cast in a blood red glow of an unseen red sun. It flew high above the vast fields of nothingness that you and her stood atop of, comfortably sharing a space as the only three things inside of it for what seemed to be forever.

"I hold with those who favor fire..."

She turns just as methodically as you did, first catching a deep drink of your gaze with her vibrant green eyes, distracting you from the rest of her visage for a moment...making you feel as if you were caught in the crosshairs of a predator. Once she faced you, her face was nearly stone cold blank, aside from her deep green lips which were in a slight smile when she recognized you. Unlike Jess, she had more of her mother's looks, with much thicker lips, slightly narrower eyes, and a somewhat straighter nose...which cheekbones that were higher...but the hue of the windows to her soul, as well as the long lost energy that they had was unmistakably the same.

Her build too, wasn't too unlike Jessie's, albeit a bit slimmer...but it was hard to tell through the heavy clothing she donned. A thick, black trench coat with green insides and trim draped over a thinly grey striped, lush green waistcoat which hugged around her form much tighter than anything you had spotted Jessie in...

From the front you could see she had a slightly more defined hourglass shape than Jessie, their height and sheer size gave them both hips that were wider than your body, but Jessie, being more muscular, didn't have as tight of a waist as she did...or at the very least her more baggy attire made it harder to compare her hips to her waist. Normally...such details slipped your mind, given the constant rat race that had been thrust onto you...but standing here in the void with only one other thing to look were compelled to indulge in appearances...or was something about this place forcing you to think about it?

Like Jessie, she was broad shouldered...somewhat like the female version of slasher villain...which you guessed was pretty fitting given what she had become...Both of their strong, powerful features only made their feminine qualities seem even more womanly. From Liu's indulgently thick, inviting lips, to Jessie's soft loving gazes and protective tendencies, all the way to the generous stretching of their clothes around their round breasts, their bosoms large enough to easily take over all of your senses and become your entire world when your head is cradled in their chests, with their Amazonian builds being large enough to make their naturally massive, shapely chests not stick out uncomfortably from their figure.

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⏰ Última actualización: Nov 16, 2023 ⏰

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