Story 1 : I think my friend is a Skinwalker

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Written by : u/Physical-Speaker-457

Year written : 2022

I've been lurking around on the forums for a while now, and I was about to give up until I found this thread. I've read some similar experiences to my own so I figured you all would be able to bring more clarity to all of this. This all happened back during this past summer in the state of Kentucky. To protect his identity, and out of respect for his family, I will refer to my friend as James. I was spending time together with James, celebrating his completion of finals and my recent promotion drinking to our hearts content, and we had the thirst of a Norse Warrior at a Midsummer festival. Starting with a nice bottle of Japanese whiskey that lasted all but 30 minutes, we moved onto something a little classier, Jim beam. We sipped until day became night and everything got fuzzy around the edges. James took a long pull off the bottle before he turned to me and asked if I want to go for a night walk to our favorite star gazing spot.

I obliged by taking the final swig.

This was just one of the things James and I would do every weekend, and surprisingly our parents were okay with it. Ever since we had science class together as kids, we loved stars and outer space, and the clearing was like our own private research facility. We had a large amount of forested area near where we lived, and the clearing was just a mile and a half into the woods. I would pack my budget telescope and we would get nice views of the moon in its differing phases, as well as nearby planets and visible galaxies. After high school James had saved up a couple thousand dollars to spend on one of those fancy scopes that could be remote controlled and could take HD videos. We would often talk about Black Holes, the inevitable heat death of the universe, or if there were other Earth-like planets out there with life like ours. We could even recite all the differing spectral types of stars from memory. It was the foundation of our friendship, though James was much more serious and even talked about going to college for a degree in Astronomy once he had finished his general education courses at the local community college. He was the only kid from class that said he wanted to be an Astronaut and was serious about it. I was content looking at the stars through my telescope from my backyard, beer in hand, and not being in debt.

It was a bad idea, but we did not care, and off into the night we went. Along the way there was this drainage ditch we would pass by. Alluring today as it was back then, for no good reason other than it was creepy. Being as inebriated as we were, we took the bait and headed down. Being extra careful to scale down the steep incline of the ditch walls we made it inside. It was your standard drainage ditch, a large concrete canal stretching out about ten miles in both directions, dividing the forested land in two. There was an overpass that ran across a small portion of the ditch like a bridge, connecting the two pieces of land so that people could walk across. Along the graffiti riddled walls of the canals were drainage holes to help disperse the water should the levels rise high enough. One of these was a drainage tube about 2m wide and 50m long, what we dubbed The Butthole. The other end of the Butthole led into the forest on the other side. As kids we would crawl through it and act like it was a portal to another dimension or it would take us back in time. James could not resist.

"Dude, look, the Butthole! I'm going in man!" He exclaimed.

"I can't believe you actually said that out loud. Be careful you're going to scrape your knees or bonk your head." I warned.

Once he got further in, he stopped moving.

"Any Xenomorphs in there?" I asked.

"Nah... you hear this frog man?"

Indeed, I could hear the thing from where I was standing. As I approached, I noticed the croaks sounded guttural, throaty, and wet. If you've ever seen The Grudge, it sounded like the noise the girl makes, but not as drawn out. At that moment I just chalked it up to my imagination, alcohol intoxication, or a big frog, though my anxiety was already setting in. But what was strange was that there was a little water still running through the ditch from last week's rain, and typically where there was water, there were frogs. Though the croaks were coming from one source. Come to think of it, I do not recall any other noises, no bugs, no animals, no typical forest sounds. Dead silence except for the frog.

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