Story 15 : Stop Trout Fishing In The Mountains

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Written by : u/theironanvil1

Year written : 2022

I don't have much time left...

If I start from the beginning, I may be able to convince you to NEVER go into the mountains for ANY reason.

My name is Samual, my mother named me after my great grandfather, she told me my name held power, biblically that is.

My father was an avid hunter and fishermen. That's where I must've gotten my habits from. My father would take me hunting and fishing just about everywhere in North Carolina, except the mountains.

At the time I was probably about 14 years old when asking him why we never even came close to the mountains during our journeys. He had claimed the mountains were cold and boring, little to no game and the weather was miserable.

Being 14 I just agreed with him and never brought up the subject again. But something always fascinated me about the mountains.

When I turned 19 I started my own business and moved out from my parents house into my own little pad. My business was gain popularity fast and I had to pull a couple 100 hour weeks.

I lost my burning desire to go hunting when I turned 20 but I still loved to fish.

When my business finally started to become self sufficient, and I finally had some free time, I ended up buying a bass boat and went fishing every weekend at different lakes around North Carolina.

It was so fun, I invited all of my fishing buddies and we had a blast together, until that one fateful day.

My best buddy in the whole wide world asked me one day, if I wanted to come trout fishing with him up in the mountains.

Now I had never trout fished before so I tried to blow him off but he kept insisting that I go with him. I reluctantly agree and we're driving towards the Appalachian mountains.

My heart raced the whole way there, I had never seen the mountains. I'm sure I overpacked for such a little trip but I wanted this to be a trip to remember.

My friend eventually pulls over on the side of the road on an empty backroad and gets out. I'm not seeing any water but he tells me we're hiking to the stream and there's usually a lot of trout.

I excitedly follow him and grab my gear and set off behind him. We hiked from about 9 in the morning all the way until 10:30. My feet hurt and my excitement had long since worn off.

We came upon a river. It wasn't particularly special. I asked him if this was it and all he said was watch this.

He casted his line into the water and within a couple seconds he had a pretty good sized trout reeled in.

We sat there for hours and fished and made some amazing memories, until it started to get dark.

I told him we should go back but he kept claiming that there was a much larger fish tucked under a couple rocks he wanted to get.

The sun was setting quickly.

Let go dude I hollered at him.

He seemed like he was in a trance, eyes glued to the water.

I told him that I was going to the car and that if he wasn't there sitting 30 minutes of me getting back I was leaving.

He didn't even respond that time and I started back towards the car.

The forest was dark but the tops of the trees still had light. I didn't even bring a flashlight because I didn't think we were staying so long so I just used the light off my phone.

The path wasn't really a path, it was just neon yellow ribbons my fried had tied to the trees so we could get back.

It got really dark about 15 minutes into my walk and I started jogging.

The forest was eerily silent, like every living thing knew there was an apex predator near.

After another 10 minutes of jogging, the ribbons stopped appearing every so often until the disappeared completely.

Scared I took a wrong turn I turned around and heading back the way I came.

Then I heard it.

My friend's bloodcurdling scream filled the silent woods.

Panicked, I ran in the opposite direction of the scream.

I'm not a fighter, I didn't even bring a firearm. So I just ran and apologized under my breath.

My lungs felt like they were on fire, I had to stop.

I stopped and shined my phones flashlight into the surrounding woods in search for anything out of the ordinary.

Right at the end of my light there... was a person. It was... my friend. I slowly walked up towards him, he had his back to me.

I reach my hand out to touch his should and stop cold in my tracks.

There were pale white hands with long claws protruding where my friends hands used to be.

He was slightly twitching, something was wrong...

I turned around and bolted again full speed.

It sounded like my "friend" had the same idea and started chasing me. At first it sounded like a normal person running but... It turned into almost a sort of galloping like a four legged creature would do.

I didn't run long until I came upon a metal tower. I didn't even think I climbed up the ladder superhumanly fast. I was about 10 steps up when I heard some metal near the bottom crash and the whole tower viberated. It took a while but I reached the very top where I am writing this.

I'm pretty sure this thing is a cell tower I climbed. I had excellent service was up here. I already called the police and they're on there way, they claimed it would take them a couple hours to get to me.

The thing that was wearing my friend as a suit is most likely still down there.

But I sure am praying

I hope this thing can't climb ladders...

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