☆School project☆

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After a long weekend your best friend was finally better and could hang out with you again, you decided to go see her and spend the morning with her before school. Which means you had to get up extra early and get ready early. "Hello, helloo??" You called out from her window.

"Look who's not using the front door" she spoke as she opened her window all the way for you to climb in.

You threw your bag in first then climbed in. "I didn't wanna wake up your mom" you whispered as you then sat on her bed , she walked over and sat next to you.

"So what'd I miss at school" she smiled laying her head on your shoulder.

"Ohh nothing much" you sighed "just Evan and Andy being jerks, shuji being  jealous.." you paused for a moment then continued "Oh you know that 7th grader Maya, yeah I went to her little concert thingy for the school poor girl threw up in-front of everyone, and her friend Anna she seemed pretty sad too but I don't know what about-" you started rambling until Milan cut you off

"Wait wait wait back it up..what did you say" she asked smiling

"Anna was sad?" You looked at her confused

"No before that" she spoke

"Maya throwing up??" You sat up and crossed your legs

"No.." she sighed "Before that."

"Oh Andy and Evan being jerks?" You laughed

"After that" she seemed kind of annoyed but was laughing

"Ohh" you finally realized what she was talking about "oh it was nothing" you smiled playing with your hands.

"Noo it's not nothing" she playfully pushed you "what happened what do you mean he was jealous"

You were looking at your hands then at her and groaned "okay fine.. well Evan and Andy asked me to sit with them at lunch right?"

"Right?" She seemed interested

"And they started talking about how they had crushes on me back in like 5th and 6th grade, and shuji was acting kind of weird," you paused

"Uh huhh??" She nodded listening intently.

"Then they brought up Kevin you know that one boy I liked for like the whole year"

"Oh..Oh my gosh" she let out a small laugh

"And shuji was like "was he cuter than me" and I was like "what do you mean" and he was just being super weird I can't even explain it," you sighed "but you know he might have not even been jealous" you looked at her now thinking back on it

"Even if he wasn't he definitely wants you" she rolled her eyes

You smiled after she said that "you think so?"

"You should make a move on him, you know ask him out" she spoke

"What? No." You looked at her "That's stupid" you paused "I'm waiting for him to make a move on me."

"But what if he doesn't" she asked

"Then he obviously doesn't want me enough" you looked at her then she looked at you and you two started busting out laughing.


You were getting something out of your locker when you heard some girls behind you talking. "He is really cute" one of them spoke.

"Omg no...shuji?" Another spoke.

Now you were intrigued and you looked behind you and you saw the girls looking at something or someone, you looked towards where they were looking and saw shuji and his friends play fighting with each other.

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