☆Let's ditch☆

241 7 3

*lots of bad language? Idk*


"Why are you outside alone?"

You sat there for a bit until you decided to turn your head to see who had placed their jacket on you.
"Kevin?" You didn't even know he still lived in your area "I was ditched," you sighed and he laughed "By who?"
"Shuji and Evan, I lost 'em" You shrugged. "Shuji? I just saw him." He said.
"Really Where?" You asked.

"He was just looking for you too I think, he's by the pool I can take you if you'd like, so you know" he chuckled "You don't get lost again."

"Not funny," you slightly pouted he still looked as good as he did in 6th grade. You saw as he stood up and put his hand out for you to take and you took it to help get off the curb. Dusting yourself off you two then went back inside to try and make it to the back.

The loud music was still playing with some kids dancing and some doing other things you were holding on to Kevin's shirt so you wouldn't be dragged away, you then finally made it to the pool.

There Shuji was sitting while looking around. He eventually saw you too and walked towards you. "Where were you?" He sounded a little offended like you were the one who left. "I was in the bathroom?" You said confused. "For 30 minutes?" Shuji raised his voice like he was annoyed which caused you to go a little into defense mode. "Uh no, but when I got back you guys weren't there," Shuji tried replying but you weren't finished "And then when I went to look for you I got lost so I decided to go outside and wait for you..so no I was not in the bathroom for 30 minutes dipshit I was looking for you"

You two were silent and so were the girls who were eavesdropping. "Guys come on no arguing at my party-" Kira tried Interrupting. "No one's fucking arguing Kira, also you can stop trying to be so desperate Shuji doesn't want you" You just got annoyed more.
"What does that have to do with anything?" She also got defensive. "Don't play dumb, Shuji isn't the type of boy where if you kiss his ass he'll make out with you, if he likes you he likes you and if he doesn't he doesn't, and in your case he doesn't"

"So you speak for Shuji now? Didn't you meet each other just this year you're acting as if he's yours and you said it yourself you're not dating, so I can do whatever I want" She shrugged. "No I don't speak for Shuji he could've told you that you're an annoying dick-sucking c*nt himself"

You don't know why you were so annoyed but you stormed off and Evan and Shuji went after you everyone near the pool area was quiet but now they were gossiping about what happened and Kira stood there embarrassed.

"Holy shit, you okay?" Evan walked up to you. You were now sitting back on the curb in front of the house "Yeah I'm fine" you sighed. "That was awesome," Evan laughed and put his arm around you. Shuji then sat next to you also, "Uh I'm gonna go back inside come get me if you need anything okay?" You nodded.

It was silent for a moment you could just hear music. "Wanna ditch this stupid party?" Shuji suddenly spoke up. You didn't look at him but you nodded he got up and put his hand out for you to grab and you grabbed it. He then pulled you while running and you guys ran off and laughed and joked for the remaining time before going back at the given time Shuji's mom said.


"How was the party" Milan asked re applying some clear lipgloss. "Oh my gosh, it sucked" you groaned. "Really? How bad?" She asked putting her head down on the desk "Like zero out of ten, me and Shuji got into a little altercation" she raised her head back up. "What? Why what happened?" She asked. "It wasn't even really his fault it was that bitch, Kira, I went to the bathroom and when I came back they were all gone I'm guessing she knew I wouldn't be able to find them and she probably wanted some alone time with Shuji," you said looking at the wall thinking back at what happened that weekend.

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