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You were officially inside the Ishii-Peters residence and from the interaction you're pretty sure Mrs. Ishii-Peters approves of you which means you're on pretty good terms with this family. Not that it really matters because you were only here for a project on which you thought you were gonna work on this morning with Shuji and Evan but instead, they decided they wanted to go see a movie one they already saw. So now you're stuck waiting for them while they go and goof off, but you decided to just go to a near by arcade and they'll come back when the movies done. Shuji thought it was a good idea to ask his mom if you could stay over for dinner, which you weren't ready yet. Of course Evan was gonna be there too but still you thought you being there was still a reach, you were kind of pissed at him because of this. I mean he didn't ask if you wanted to stay or if you were okay with staying, it was all just too stressful. 1 because you only had a small interaction with his mom and were able to convince yourself she liked you and not only would you be able to tell how she feels about you which brings you to 2 you started to develop a small crush on her son and because you're a girl at their house with shuji they'll ask questions. Or maybe you're over thinking who knows let's just hope this goes well and hey at least maya and anna will be there.

You three then walked down stairs to leave when you saw maya covering something and Anna talking about osteoporosis for some reason. That's when you heard Shuji speak "Hey, butt lords"
Wow shuji is really immature when it comes to his sister but you can't lie you're the same with your siblings. "What are you doing" you hear him speak again.

"Shuji, go away" Maya replied "we're working on, like, a serious project. Hello!" She continued.

You couldn't help but laugh a bit, they're sibling relationship is adorable not only that anna was sitting on the couch in a really weird way. That's when she spoke "Hey, shuj." She stood up and put her hands on her waist "what up" she giggled.
Then maya spoke "Hey, Evan." We were all just standing there awkwardly you the most because you had no idea what was happening, Anna was like flirting with Shuji and Maya was trying to flirt with Evan and it was so funny yet so confusing and awkward for you.
"Hey." Evan replied you were just looking back and forth between Shuji and Evan, and, Maya and Anna. "What's up with you?" Maya asked.
"We—We was gonna go see cast away again." Evan spoke and Shuji slightly nodded.
"I like your hair today." She replied.
Honestly you couldn't take the awkwardness plus Shuji was ignoring Anna and Evan was replying to maya like he was scared of her, and the girls completely ignored you, they usually never do that it's like they were trying really hard to impress these two idiots. Then shuji spoke again
"Um, Mai mom wanted me this to you before we left um." He pretended to look in his pocket and flipped her off, mean while you were confused and Evan looked scared maybe he was high or something who knows. Then maya yelled "Don't flick me off!" Maya replied again "Bye, Evan."
That's when the door closed, but you were still in there...they left you and didn't even notice you were still standing there trying to comprehend that interaction.

"Ok, do you, um..." maya spoke again
Meanwhile Anna was giggling and smiling as she then turned to maya "your brother is fine." She smiled and started dancing
"Anna stop that's disgustinguh, stop" maya then pushed her.

"She's not wrong" you finally spoke

They turned to you "How long have you been there" maya asked

"Literally this whole time, you girls could do so much better" you shook your head

They looked at you a little ashamed "Well.. see you later." You sighed and finally walked out the door catching up to Evan and Shuji.

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