-2-3-1 Chapter

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Both of the drones were sleeping in the library. N was sitting against the wall, V was leaning on N's shoulder. In N's arms were his favorite book. It looked like they were reading it before they felt asleep. V woke up first and saw that N was still sleeping, so she stood up.

"At least we ended this book. It's 3rd time this week when we fall asleep reading this. All of our adventures are kinda exhausting so it's not a big suprise." V thought to herself.

-Well i have some time before he'll wake up. - V whispered.

V looked for a while at N sleeping pose. He was looking cute and harmless. After a second V started to look around thinking what she could do while her love isn't awake. Maid drone saw table and paper with crayons on it. She came closer to the table and a bright idea came to her mind.

"I could make a suprise for N, by drawing Golden retriever. He is gonna be so happy when he will see mine drawing." V thought to herself.

V sat on the chair and started to think how her drawing should look.

-Maybe a couple of dogs or maybe one big. Well i dunno what i should draw. At least i have some time before this dog enjoyer woke up. - V said to herself while thinking what to do.

"IT'S THE BEST IDEA I'VE EVER HAD" V thought to herself. "I'm gonna draw a big doggo with both of us. It's gonna be a great present." She took a golden crayon and started to draw. While she was doing her best and N was still sleeping. When she almost ended the dog, N woke up and saw V doing something. He stood up and slowly walked to his love. N didn't say anything so he could see what V was doing. "What is she doing?" N thought to himself.

N put his head on V's shoulder and said:

-What are ya doin' - N asked V.

V tried to hide her drawing with her hands from him.

-It WAS supposed to be a suprise, but you came in. - said irrated V.

-Oh... next time you should be more carefull. - N joked.

-Well if you weren't so much suspicious, you wouldn't find this. - said V

-Hmmm... but now i can help you end this thing. - N smiled to V.

-I've wanted to draw us with golden retriever, but i only made the doggo. - V smiled back at N.

-Sooo you could draw me and i could draw you. - V suggested.

-A GOLDEN RETRIEVER WOW WITH US. - N's eyes started to glow brighter.

V gave kiss into N's lips. Then she showed him the drawing.

-It's sooooo beautiful. - said N

N sat next to V and took gray crayon, so he could draw his love.

Both of them continued the work. They talked so much and sometimes corrected each other. When they've ended this piece of art N said to V:

-It's so colorful and.... i don't even words to describe it.

V cut him by kissing him on the cheek. N smiled and understanded that he made a great job, after he spoiled the suprise. V smiled back........


Kinda short chapter, but still good...


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