First Day of School

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It was already the next day. I woke up from my bed in my new dome. It's time for school.

My heart began to race and I had to sit up and take a few deep breaths. In...Out...In...Out. Just like how my therapist showed me.

I walked into the kitchen, were my dad was making breakfast. Eggs and toast. "Here you go, Kase." he said, giving me the plate and using my nickname.

I gave him a side-eye. Whenever he uses my nickname, it means that he's worried about me. Does he think that I'm that weak? 

 "Thanks." I mutter, and I try not to vomit from nervousness. I took a few bites of my toast and glupped down an egg, then pushed the plate away, done with eating. 

My dad handed me my black backpack, which held a book, my phone, and my white headphones.

"Whenever you feel too anxious, put them on." my dad said.

I nodded. "Well, I have to go. Have fun, Kase." I cringed hearing my nickname, and watched as he left the dome.

I took a few deep breaths. In...Out...In...Out. You got this. It's just school.

I walked until I reached to the room where Mrs. Wong showed me where school would take place. Luckily, there was no one inside. 

I took the farther couch and sat down. Soon, a woman in a wheelchair entered, followed by a boy. He didn't have a backpack.

I quickly shoved my backpack to the back of the couch just as he gazed up at me. He whispered to his mom, so I didn't hear his question, but I heard his mom answer. "That's the new student, Kasey Johnson."

I'm pretty sure they both heard my heart start to race as I heard my name. The boy approached me and held out his hand. "I'm D'Angelo." he said. 

I grabbed his hand and shook it, saying "Kasey.", and thinking I grabbed too hard. I messed up already. 

Just then, three other kids came in. Two girls and one boy. "Hello everyone." the woman said. "Let's start class."

D'Angelo joined the other kids in the front, and class began. The class was about one hour, and the lesson was about different mental health diseases and blood pressure.


Once the class was over, the teacher said "You all might have to be in the visitor center since your parents are still working."

Great. I wanted to be out of there already.

I pretended to take extra long to get my backpack and sort through it so that the other kids would finish using the elevator. Finally, I made my way to the visitor center and found all the kids sitting in the middle, engaged in a conversation.

Quietly, I made my way to a chair near the windows, and sat down, trying to stay calm. I put on my headphones and put on a song, then placed my head in my hands and closed my eyes.

I listened to the song, feeling my heart slow down and my breathing go back to normal. I stayed like that until I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I jumped and turned around to see one of the two girls, the one in purple, right behind me. "We have to go." she said.

"Oh." I said. "Thanks."

She hesitated, then said "I'm Jun Wong, May Wong's daughter."

"I'm Kasey."

She nodded. "Nice to meet you, Kasey."

Just as she was about to leave, she then turned back and asked "Have you been invited to the ICARIS party, for the birthday of one of the staff members?"

I shook my head.

"Oh." she said. "Well, the invitations should come out today. I hope you come."

Doubtful. "We'll see." I said.

She nodded, then left with the other kids. 

I didn't leave immediately. Instead, I sat there, drowning. She finds me weird. I messed up everything again.

I sighed. I know my thoughts are ridiculous. But I can't stop.

I want to, but I can't.

I put my head in my hands. I don't want this anymore.

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