The Surprise

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I met Ryan and the others in the Dragon's Den the next day. Willow ran over to me, nuzzling my back.

"Hey, girl." I said, greeting her.

"Day one of the Dragon Riders' vlog," Eugene said to his phone. "The new folks are coming to hunt down Buzzsaw."

Alex pointed to Eugene and turned to Jun. "Explain." she said.

"He wanted to start an online journal thing for us." Jun sighed. "I couldn't do anything to stop him."

"Alright, Eugene," Tom said. "You can do that, but you can't show it to anyone."

Eugene rolled his eyes. "Yes, Tom sir." he said mockingly.

"Let's go!" D'Angelo yelled.

We raced throughout the Hidden World, looking around for Buzzsaw. We didn't see him today, but it was nice to explore the Hidden World some more, flying on the back of my own dragon.

I always thought that if something like this would happen, I would have a panic attack. Luckily, I didn't.

Maybe it's because Ryan's always there for me.


We arrived back at the Dragon's Den by curfew, so D'Angelo didn't have to freak out about it. "See you, Willow." I said, petting her head. "Be safe."

We all climbed out of the Den and headed toward our domes when the speakers turned on. "Hello, ICARIS." a voice said. "Sorry for the interruption, but you all are requested to meet in the visitors' center. Thank you and have a good day."

We all ended up in the visitors' center, sitting right next to our parents. "What's happening?" I asked my dad. He just shrugged and turned toward Mrs. Wong. 

"As you all know, many kids suffer from mental health," Mrs. Wong said. "So, to help, we're going to have a two-week program to learn and help these children. Some instructors are going to come and help us. Children, you must participate."

Oh no, no, no.

"That's great, May!" Tom's mom, Olivia, exclaimed.

I felt my heart beat. I'll definitely be discovered by them. What should I do?

Maybe I can pretend to be sick.

For two weeks? a voice inside me asked.

Yeah. It could work.

Or, maybe it's time to tell everyone. the voice said.

No. They'll...They'll become like the others back home.

Maybe they didn't know how to treat you.

Well, what should I do about that?

Maybe, show them how to treat you.

How to treat me is to act like I'm normal. They can't do that if they know about this.


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