Jet or Kracken?!?

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Okay so before we get into this I never said that the rants would be when I was angry it's in general just rants 🤪

Okay so like I have a crush on this guy and he's funny and shorter than me and blonde and has glasses and like most of the things I'm attracted to
But then he gave me a huge ick by making fun of my friend when she got rejected and I was ew and then I started making friends with another guy

This guy is kraken. He's funny and nice and taller than me with dark hair, he actually gets along with my friends and we talk more than I do with her (the first guy) and recently I've been noticing that he seems low key kinda cute and I like his voice n stuff like that

BUT THENN I've been wishing on 11:11 for jet to like me back and sometimes I think it's working because I'll catch him looking at me or trying to talk to me and THEN my science teacher sat me right across from him and now I get to see how stupid and funny and cute he is and it's just like REAAHHHH

And I'm really just trying to decide which one I think is better than the other so I'm not stressed out about 'oh I have two crushes' and stuff BUT ITS HARDDDD

Because they are both sporty and funny and kraken is nicer but jet makes up for it because glasses and it's just like hell 😭😭
(I meant to put help but hell works too so I kept it. Any advice guys?)

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