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I have a new crush guys! Yipeee.

(There will be one paragraph that's inappropriate -it's just me being delusional. Your warned! -also a crude comment in the third paragraph, so just skip over the parenthesis or don't read it if you don't want to!) <3

So to paint a picture this guy is tall, pale with freckles and has dirt blonde hair. He has blue-green eyes (I haven't gotten a good look right at them, but I know they're a mixture of those two.) he's not skinny, he has a bit of chub but a good amount that's not fat (note I am not trying to be fatphobic, just saying he's not chubby enough to count as fat) but not skinny, he's like the perfect inbetween, he's strong.

and he's probably the most beautiful guy I've seen. I really like him and he's very nice and funny and charming. His lips too, they're one of my favorite things about him. He has pretty dark pink lips, almost like a girls but something about them being on him makes it that much more attractive. And when he smiles, his lips looks so pretty (so do his teeth but I feel weird talking about his teeth.) I love it when he smiles.

Recently he got a "bad" haircut. Everyone was saying he looked bad, but his "ugly" hair (I only laughed once, but it was more a flustered giggle which makes me cringe thinking about it) actually made him a lot hotter. He has Ike a v bang now, a flat clearly blown out (I'll blow him/hj) look with a light fade in the back. I'm not a barber and I tried my best so sorry if you can't imagine what his hair looks like.

I really like talking to him and I wish we could more, but my bitchass math teacher changed the seating arrangement from pairs to groups, then made me swap seats with him. GRAAH 😭.

There was one time that we were walking to the front of the school at the same time (not together, just at the same time 🥲) And it was raining. I made a joke about how he was blocking me from the rain, then he stopped walking. It was funny and we laughed, but I noticed that he changed his walking speed to match mine, like he actually was trying to block the rain from me. It was sweet and he gave that fkn smile 🙈.

I know that I'm making it sound like he likes me back, that's my point of view. Part of me will always know he only likes me as a friend and I'm kind of okay with that. The other part not so much, but I'll try my best to accept it if he likes someone else or just doesn't like me back.

(Inappropriate part here now!)

Okay, one day people were talking about how Lake was crying during lunch. I saw him with his red nose and eyes, asked if he was okay and that was it. That got me thinking of how he looks while crying, and oh my gosh he would be such a gorgeous crier. Then THAT made me think about how he would look crying for me..for very obvious reasons *cough*edging.*COUGH.* and I just imagine him with his head thrown back and hand over his mouth and all I can hear are his muffled gasps and whimpers half because he enjoys it half because he's crying so hard. (Bonus points if he starts begging.) And uh, so yeah, he would look superrr hot like that and I told my fired n and she looked at me like 😨😰🫢 so that was fun

(Bad part OVER!!)

And so yeah going back to his personality. He's very sweet and caring and he's popular but he's not like his friends where all he does is make racism and homophobic jokes, he's genuinely funny. And I like that because he doesn't have to make crude or hurtful jokes to be popular, he's just genuinely nice and respectful and cool.

Rants 🤭Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang