avoiding unnecessary trouble

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"Those who don't see through the deceit are those who don't ever come out victorious."


After the entrance ceremony, the majority of the year group went to explore the endless facilities that the school had. I, on the other hand, went to a convenience store near the school dormitories because quite frankly, I wanted to get a snack and then go to sleep.

As I was minding my own business walking to the store, a girl just so happened to bump into me and fell over. I looked at the said girl and noticed something. Lord was she beautiful. Lengthy strawberry-pink hair, a sky blue set of gorgeous eyes and massive bre- I mean a wonderful figure. But being around someone like this would only constitute one thing. Trouble.

"Ahh, sorry! I didn't mean to bump into you!" She exclaimed, bowing repeatedly. A nice personality as well.

"No worries, I'm in a rush, so I'll be going now," I replied, trying to make my haste getaway before anyone noticed me talking to such a beautiful person.

"Wait! Can I get your number and make it up to you sometime?" She asked, grabbing onto my sleeve before I ran away from this scenario.

I swiftly nodded and wrote it down on a piece of paper that I coincidentally had at hand.

"Now I'm really in a rush, so I really have to go," I said, already walking away.

She caught up to me. Does this girl not know what a hint is?

"Before you go can I ask you what your name is?"

"Ayanokoji Kiyotaka."

She smiled, "I'm Ichinose Honami, nice to meet you Ayanokoji-kun! I'll treat you sometime, bye~!" She said, finally leaving me alone.

I made my way to the convenience store and walked inside after getting there. To my disappointment, on the aisle that I was about to go down, I saw the bitch- I mean, I saw Horikita Suzune shopping and buying cheap items. She glanced at me and was about to speak, "An unfortu—" Before she could continue, I turned around and walked down another aisle. I was not going to deal with this.

I found myself in the 'frozen items' aisle and noticed something.


What's that? I suppose I'll take some home with me and try it there. Wait... what's this? Chicken nuggets... I'll try these too. In my food shopping spree, I made it of the utmost importance to not come in contact with the witch. I also bought essentials along the way but then I noticed something.

'Free Items.'

Then, I noticed a Senpai take from the free items box. Surely, if it was the start of the month and everyone got 100,000 Yen, he wouldn't need that but of course, we aren't getting that amount of money next month so I'm only assuming this poor lad is in Class C or D. Sucks for him but he's not my problem.

I also took the three free items I was allowed per month and then went to the cashier. Unfortunately, that girl was also there so, whilst in the queue, I turned my back to her.

But of course, she couldn't mind her own business and tapped on my shoulder. I turned around and she had an annoyed look plastered all over her face.

"Are you... ignoring me on purpose?" She asked, angrily. It seemed like she was offended by that.

I decided to say, "Who are you again?" and play it completely poker.

"!" She looked stunned for a moment but then regained her composure, "I'm not even going to indulge you in the rest of this conversation. I'll just be wasting my time on the likes of you." Her ego definitely got damaged a little after that. But then again, it was good for me seeing as she didn't say anything else.

"Damn it! I left that stupid piece of junk back at the dorms! I forgot that was my source of payment!" Commotion at the front of the line and the person who started it was... well it was none other than the red-headed basketball player who had an outburst during class. Not gonna get involved. Too much time wasted to get involved and it'll make me get attention. No, thank you.

He ended up having to go back to the dorms to get his device to pay for his stuff which was a bother, for him anyway. I paid for my stuff and left the store, heading towards the dorm.

Once I got to the front lobby, I gave them my name to get my keycard.

"Ayanokoji Kiyotaka you are in room... 401, here's your key card."

Well, I guess that place really does haunt me wherever I go, doesn't it?

It's quite ironic if I must say. Fourth generation and the number given to me just so happened to be 01. Now I'm in room 401. Does this world have its odds stacked against me?

I went to my room and placed the items that needed to go in the fridge to go into the fridge. Now, to try this Ice cream...

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