actual first day

451 26 19

"There are many things that I enjoy doing, one is avoiding trouble at all costs."


Unsurprisingly, the students in my class misbehaved and did things they originally got punished for doing in their younger years of school. Though, as I expected, the teachers did nothing of the sort to stop them from misbehaving like this so they just continued to do it more blatantly. To me, none of this mattered because I was obviously going to save on points or manipulate more points for myself so I could live a humble and nice life at this school.

My seatmate was seemingly glaring at me throughout the whole of homeroom and first period. She sure can hold a grudge. I'm just going to pretend like I don't notice her, although, I am concerned for my safety because she's twiddling a compass that looks sharpened in her fingers whilst looking directly at me. Surely the cameras would catch it on camera and she would be expelled if she tried to attack me, right? Violence is a big no-no in this school, but it's not like a mere compass would inflict much damage on me.

As my class wasn't doing anything to preserve their points, I too decided to sleep during class because sleep always makes everything better. There were only a few people following the rules, including my seatmate who currently has a vendetta against me. A few people won't make up for the rest of the class disappointingly.

Sooner than later, the bell went off, indicating it was time for lunch. Because of my capabilities to adapt, I learned how to cook in a short amount of time, hence, I made a bento box for me to eat. Eating in the cafeteria alone is quite embarrassing, so I just decided to stay in the class.

"Woahh, Ayanokoji-kun, you can cook?" A voice asked, I looked up to see Nene Mori and a few other girls behind her, who were about to go to the cafeteria but stopped to look at my food.

"Yes, I recently learnt how to," I replied, eating some of the delicious food I had made in the morning.

"Can I try some~?" She said in a pleading way.

"No. I'd rather have a whole meal to myself, thanks." I replied. She looked shocked and walked away from her friend group. I don't particularly understand her reasoning for even coming to speak to me after my appalling introduction yesterday. Well, now she probably won't ever speak to me again.

Suddenly, a child-like voice spoke through the monitors, "At 4 pm today, the club fair will happen in gymnasium one, I repeat..."

Nope. Not going. Too many people equals too high of a chance of trouble happening.

Instead, I'll go to that cafe that everyone goes to after school seeing as it would be near enough empty. This way, I'll be able to taste the food there without being crowded with people, girls in particular. Genius plan from a genius mind.

I had forgotten a drink for my food so I decided to join the cafeteria line to get myself a drink. Food with no drink is quite frankly annoying. Whilst in the cafeteria, I spotted an amusing thing. Around seven upperclassmen were silently eating the free abysmal vegetable lunch set in the cafeteria. That's funny to me seeing as the rest of my classmates failed to observe their surroundings.

Sooner than later, the end of school came and I was about to walk out when a voice called to me, "Ayanokoji-kun! Wait up!" The ever-so-cheerful Kushida was headed my way.

I can either A - walk at a faster speed so she doesn't catch up, B - ignore her and run or C - talk to her and see what she wants. I wonder... B. Ignore her and run.

Of course, I didn't run at an overwhelming speed but I ran fast enough to not cause attention to divert my way, leaving her alone and dumbfounded at my actions. I'll face consequences for that tomorrow but I could just opt out and run away again.

As I was running, I was stopped by a familiar-looking guy. He raised an eyebrow, "Are you running in the halls?" It was the guy who made eye contact with me when I was observing the classes yesterday. The note I made in my mind came to thought: avoid this man at all costs- he will only bring trouble.

"Nope. Bye." As I was about to walk away, his hand latched onto my shoulder.

"I'm student council president Horikita Manabu, pleasure to meet you Ayanokoji Kiyotaka." He said. My only question is: How did he know my name? Wait - student council president? Horikita? Must be her older brother.

"Yeah, you too. Gotta go now, bye!" I dashed away and went to the cafe as everyone else headed to the gymnasium for the Club fair.

I scanned the menu and ordered an item that piqued my curiosity. A venti caramel crunch cappuccino. I've never tried anything like it so, I ordered it despite the fact that it was slightly more expensive than I anticipated.

I had my first sip and it was rather sweet. Unexpected but nice.

"It seems like this is the first time you've drank this." A voice said to me, I looked up and I noticed it was Ichinose from yesterday.

"Yes, it is. I thought you were going to the club fair, what brings you here?" I asked, trying to imply that I didn't want to be around people.

"I just wanted to grab a drink before I headed to meet up with my friends, are you not going to the club fair?" She asked.

I shook my head, "I'm not interested in clubs." I said.

"Well, I'll be going then~! It was nice to see you again!" She waved at me after getting her drink.

"Likewise." It was in fact not likewise, her speaking to me caught the eye of a few by-passers who looked confused. How popular was Ichinose?

After the unwanted attention, I headed back to my dorm room and lay quietly on my bed as I drifted to sleep.


Would you rather be transported to the COTE world and be in the same year as Ayanokoji whilst knowing your current information about the anime?


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