Chapter Four: Academic Success Pt.1

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The day at Hero's Academy felt incredibly bleak without Globby. I had grown so attached to him that it felt like we were a couple, inseparable. What added to my concern was that I hadn't seen Klanie this morning. Anxiety was building up within me as I pondered her absence. It took a moment, but then I realized what day it was – for me, it meant only half-day classes, while Globby and Klanie had the day off. Many students had already left to visit their parents, but I remained behind, a sense of unease creeping in.

Hero's Academy had a curriculum structured according to students' ages. Currently, I was placed in seminar sessions due to my age. The academic system was divided into categories, and for my age group (Preparatory Division, ages 10-13), it entailed basic education and early power training, along with lessons on ethics, responsibility, and understanding our abilities. My current class resembled a home room for kids, with only eight of us in total. The initial introductions hadn't shed enough light on what we were meant to do here. It became evident that every child in the class was exceptionally intelligent, and I couldn't help but feel that I was among the privileged protégés of the rich kids' program. I couldn't help but wonder why Globby hadn't made it into this program, a question that lingered in my mind.

My musings were interrupted when Vesper, the famed hero of the world, entered our classroom. Excitement rippled through the students as they met this iconic figure. Vesper was known for his power, intelligence, and, above all, his wisdom. His only vice seemed to be his obsession, but in this universe, distinct from the series I used to watch in my past life, if he wasn't obsessed with me, Vesper could potentially be an unstoppable force for good. However, I couldn't easily accept that notion.

As expected, the world seemed to freeze as Vesper addressed me directly. "Oceus, you've crossed boundaries. I know you're a reincarnation from another universe, and you've complicated things by discovering, or rather, embarrassing me in front of Klanie. I'm not saying I'll be your adversary, but if you persist in seeing me as a threat, I will make sure you don't succeed, even though I know you have the potential to do great things. I don't know what your previous universe was like, but I'm not your enemy unless you make me one."

I couldn't help but chuckle in response. "Professor, isn't it? You speak as if you're innocent. This situation is exactly what I anticipated – you using your abilities to privately address your concerns. I'm not claiming you're automatically my enemy, and honestly, I don't care. I'm just trying to live a life that won't cost me mine, which is precisely what happened in my previous universe."

Vesper gazed at me silently before letting out a sigh. "I understand that I may need to prove I'm not who you think I am."

I nodded, "It's unlikely, but I genuinely hope it's true. Is Klanie alright?"

Vesper reassured me, "I haven't done anything to harm her. I merely addressed her complaints and concerns, guiding her to understand her experiences and the truth. She decided to speak with her family on her own accord. Your presence in this class was not my decision; we have responsibilities and staff obligations to maintain high expectations. You're currently on our board of advisors, a priority for us to ensure your success, as it could benefit the entire country. I've aged considerably, and eventually, we will need a new hero to replace me." This revelation about his age caught me off guard; in the show, Vesper was portrayed as a young bastard who tragically met his end in his early thirties during a confrontation with Emirah.

"I'm curious, now that you're aware of my origins, I'd like to ask – how long have you been on Farth?" I inquired. Vesper looked at me for a moment, understanding that falsehoods would only complicate matters. "I've been on Farth for roughly three thousand years."

In the TV series, Vesper had spent a mere thousand years on Farth, constantly shifting shapes to keep pace with time. In this universe, it seemed I had arrived much later. The era of this world closely mirrored the show, with minor adjustments for realism. "Three thousand years..." I murmured, recalling details from the data book of my favorite series. Vesper's alien race was known to live for approximately three thousand years, never longer. However, confirming one's true age wasn't straightforward. To do so, a shapeshifter would need to revert to their original form, and trust in such a circumstance was hard to come by. What detail could provide the most convincing evidence? As I contemplated, he'd suggest, "We can discuss this further in my office, if you'd prefer."

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